these few weeks been quite busy.. guess my last post was when i went to momo and seeking help from nanny to call home... erm.. guess where i spent my labour day's eve? lol.. :P it is at work.. after tat went to catch a korean movie called recarnation.. as usual, i miss first part of the show which cost 9.50.. furthermore i took a cab down to tampines but luckily my colleague share with me... after the movie i had my dinner at macdonald.. tat day was like very rush.. been eating fastfood for morning, lunch and dinner.. sob sob... went to siok they all after coming back from tampines.. as usual.. we went for a drinking session.. hahaa.. :P so called i am drunk for two days and labour day was kbox time.. i went to chinatown to meet my colleagues for ktv session.. finally had a chance to taste the porridge over at chang jiang.. erm.. seriously,i only like the frog leg.. haha.. guess i am a bit cruel arh..
tuesday back to work... hai~~~ not to mention.. OT and OT and OT .... till wednesday.. while thursday nite suppose to attend boss wedding at oriental hotel.. hahaa.. but as usual... a bunch of workacholics are late!!! we reached there 5 mins before dinner starts.. hahaa.. or maybe my boss knows that we will be late.. in traditional rules, i shouldn't had attend the dinner but due to i got the invitation and seek for permission from boss.. therefore.. i went to attend the dinner.. hehee.. the food was ok not bad.. but the service was GOOD.. environment --> GOOD!!! but my pocket --> not good lah.. broke liao.. drink.. play.. work.. work.. dinner... --> BROKE!!! friday i went to catch another show call "When a stranger calls!!" hai~~~ my colleagues lah.. disturb me.. i miss first 5 mins of the show again.. hai~~~ but guess i am very tired le.. after the movie ard 11 plus.. i head back to home.. or maybe due to i had to work on election day...
ELECTION DAY!!! i am back to work.. hai~~ pple outside voting.. i go back to looks at bugs.. sob sob... so long never had a long long long long weekend le.. boss bought us old chang kee and herbal tea and coffee!!! hehee.. of cos still got fruits.. but i never ate it.. lazy.. lol.. :P supposingly tat day i should be at my granny's house instead of at work.. but guess work is more impt.. so this round.. i should to go to work and nt going there.. when i reached home, i am so tired.. i fell asleep at the sofa le.. not going anywhere.. when i wake up not long after, the election results is going to aanounce.. who wins or who lose. i still need to work.. is there anything different?? hai~~~ results wasn't like wat i expected.. something is missing... watever it is.. it is over now.. nothing matters anymore.. maybe i only hope tat pay will go UP UP UP while GST REMAINS n NOT RASISING AGAIN.. otherwise guess nextime i will nt dare to step inside restuarant le.. 10% service charge plus 5% GST is already a lot le.. if next 10% service charge plus X% of GST.. how AM I GOING TO SURVIVE???
Sunday... met yy and the guys for ktv session.. lol.. :P then ard afternoon time, they decided to go out for dinner.. in abt 5 mins time.. we got ard 6-7 pple.. hee.. not bad arh.. we met at tampines for dinner... supposely we tot tat we will be late... BUT we reached there much more earilier than anyone.. hai~~~ nt to mention, my friend had a quarrelled with her bf before coming down.. all of us had a long talk over at cafe cartel... hehe.. after 9pm.. there is 50% for cakes wor.. lol.. :P and the concept for cartel had changed..
**guess a failure in relationship shouldn't comment anything abt other pple's relationship.. .
Monday.. boss wasn't ard.. wahahaa.. :P of cos i am slacking all the way... and acting to solve problems.. then my colleagues was like dragging me to watch HOSTEL.. hhaa... :P haha.. my first RA movie.. lol.. :P erm.. first 10 or 15 mins really RA lah.. but at the back was the thrilling part.. guess luckily we packet our dinner as nachos and popcorns inside as dinner.. otherwise we might vomit all out.. we went to swensen for dinner.. wah piang... sunday cartel.. monday swensen.. really broke le.. hai~~~ black pepper spagetti was nt bad but a bit too oily le..
Tuesday.. back to work.. boss going to kill me le.. if i still dun solve problem.. but indeed i still haven solve my problem bcos i am running it on the wrong server!!! sob sob.. hai~~~ so many server till i also blur blur le.. had to work OT!!
if i am nt wrong.. i called senior when i reached home.. and ... sort of he is doing matchmaking job... hai~~~~~ i chatted till quite late on phone... ard 3 plus.. and I HOLD THE PHONE WHEN I AM SLEEPING!! jialat..
Wednesday... heheee.. kana suan by senior's friend.. sob sob.. but i managed to solve my problem.. and waiting to release results to user.. and bcos of tat i skipped a meeting.. hai~~~ of cos at nite, i called senior for a while.. then i knocked out le.. haha.. today is father's birthday.. planning to go no signboard to eat.. but they very poor thing.. wait for me till 8 plus.. sob sob.. guess i too practical le.. duno wat to buy.. give hongbao the best.. but he can't receive hongbao arh.. just pass him the money ba... one word .. BROKE!!!
Thursday... hehee.. due to my colleagues helping me out on wednesday nite.. of cos.. i can't abandon them althought i had clear everything on hand.. i stayed back to helped them out lor.. till ard 10pm... hehee.. stomach hungry le.. went to makan.. instead of meeting banana's they all.. guess they going to kill me le.. lol.. but really very hungry wor.. then still owe my colleague a birthday cake.. she always accompany to work till late nite.. so....
Friday.. went to ktv with the guys.. haha.. :P jialat.. i really bcome guy liao.. always go out with them.. lol.. :P at nite.. met yy, her , jojo and her bf and the guys for dinner.. we went back to tampines again.. but this time round is HANS!! kelvin came and joined us ard 10.. and take the tickets from me.. hai~~ tickets arh !!! u are giving me trouble arh!!! we went to play pool.. and shifu owe me a drink.. bcos we FINISHED OUR game before half an hour.. lol.. :P but i miss my MI3... I realise something.. JIL is still the best.. hehee.... ai si ni le.. no matter how.. one call to you.. u will always help me.. hehe... of cos still got mao mao lah...
today arh.. hahaa.. my gay friend ask me out today.. lol.. :P so sweet of him.. saying i hardly is free le.. now i am free.. u are not free.. sorry lah.. but ok lah .. he is mr nice guy... lol.. :P sunday went i am back from tampines.. he was asking online.. why u still dun want to go and sleep.. being kind enuff.. i tell him.. u never tell me granny stories.. how i fall asleep.. n he contiune he lame stories.. lol.. :P
yy asked me why i am always on the phone ytd.. haha.. maybe i found myself pier to lean against.. whaahaaa.. :P haha.. actually wanted to seek jil advice on it... but jil is very sweet lah... the first question he asked is .. "Why are you sad?".. hahaa...
min should be contented with wat she hads.. with the friendship she had built with her friend.. with her life.. with her parents.. with everything she had... she played ard.. she serious before.. she hurt herself before.. she stand up before.. she crazy before.. she.......... who is she now? wat is she now?
i took a long way to reach this state... i dunno.. i been yearning to know the truth from him.. but i know the truth hurts.. he won't want to tell me the truth.. or am i lying to myself again..can u tell me the truth.. pls...