Friday, December 08, 2006

Guess nowadays i seems to lose my mind, been going gym and doing some exercises with colleagues or friends. But it doesn't seem to stop my eating habit.

Nowadays been always have a kind of hurting feeling, or i may hide inside room and cried. Guess maybe this is PMS? or should i have put in a phase that i am emotionally unstable? I got a kind of feeling that suddenly i missed him so much that i really wish to grab him and don't want to let go. This is a WRONG FEELING which i must not make the same mistake again. Not to deny, i might be starting a relationship which is long-distance relationship. But first of all i must step out of my door. For those that know me for sometime, you should know who i referring to. I really wish to get him out of mind. Missing him is a wrong feeling that i am giving myself. He might not be the one for me but i confirm tat i am not the one for him.

Being apart for about 2 years or more than 2 years? We dragged a friendship that between us for about 3 years. Sometimes i really don't understand why i had fallen inside the trap. I am not those type of very sociable yet i got a few buddies around me which is i am very glad. Some of my good friends are guys and furthermore we had know each other for like more than 8 years or even like my korkor, i know him for about 10 years. Yet i don't fall for him, i fell in love with someone who like is my friend for 3 years? Min, i guess u are CRAZY. You are also so selfish, do things when you had set your mind and changes my mindset. Min, why are you so selfish. You are not the one for me. STOP BOTHERING ME CAN!!!!!

Think i need to get this MIN out, so that all my friends will be able to see a brand new MIN aka LIMIN instead of someone who is keep thinking abt past and missing HIM.

Guess is time for me to take a break and leave SG. Go a short holiday with my mum and friends. Erm.. yy and Justine korkor, anything that u all want me to get back for u? Pls sms me before christmas.

**I not revealing when i am going nor when i am coming back...
(Guess this is wat i learn from you.)

**Hope tat this is the last time i going to mention you in my blog. I believe that i will find someone better than you and lead a much more happier life without u in my mind.

K, i don't really hate you but i hate myself why i keep drilling down on the past which hurts me that badly. Seriously, i do wish to be like friends with you. Who dun want such a good friend. Is my lose that i didn't cherish our friendship. Is i am the one who being selfish who always keen to have an outcome. Is i am the one who is so stupid that there fairytale happening in this world. Or maybe fairytale does exist just that it don't happen on me. Feel a bit sad that i didn't receive any birthday wishes from you and jiefu.

Remember there was one year, i was waiting for your wishes. But it came quite late, and it had bcome belated wishes. Jiefu was on the phone with me hearing my sobbing. Never know that time passes that fast, now we were all separated.

Aunt coming back from Aus next week..