Tuesday, January 20, 2009

tiring week~~~

Hahahaa.. What had i been doing for the past one whole week? Nowadays, i starts school le.. of cos i had become more and more busy. Furthermore this module is mainly on english~~ omg~~ tat is something i am damn weak at it, especially i still need to write essay for it. -_-'''' i hoped i can pass ba~~~

Last week, i did a lot of stupid stuff sia~~ I met up with korkor and his partner.. haha.. they brought me to mandarin oriental hotel lounge there for drinks.. haha.. damn high class hor? so unlike me sia~~ such high class places not really suit me ba~~ maybe based of my character, furthermore i am so clumsy..

Sat, i went out with my mum n my friend to buy cny's clothes. Something weird happened on tat day. Someone sms me to ask for a loan, furthermore the loan that she requested from me is consider quite a big sum of money for me. Erm, i just make payments for my school fees, how to provide loan for others? Guess she really look for the wrong person. How come she come and borrow money from a poor student? It is such a big joke sia. If i am so rich enough, i will not ought to study part-time. I will go for full-time studies. Cos currently seems like i am pretty screwed up in my studies and work. Hopefully, my boss not going to kill me soon ba~~ News everyday mentioning abt retrenchment.. Seriously, i start to scare whether will it happen to me or not. Time to make plans during rainy day ba~~~ my job won't be stable as wat others thing cos mainly it will be based on performance. Guess my performance is the bottom last, but i will try my best to muggle my studies and work.

At Night, i went out with friends. I met up with my friend at mustafa first bcos he wanted to get a new hp, samsung pixon. Wah lau.. he damn rich lor~~ keep changing phone.. :X heheheee.. finally persuade him not to eat sushi tei.. :P He met up with my another friend also.. hahah.. bcos i am meeting her for ktv.. :P it had been ages that i had been to ktv sia~~ luckily is cheap on that day.. :P haha.. my friend and her bf and brother came over to join us.. Wow~~ first time met her bf's brother sia~~ looks damn young lor~~ haha... later at nite, they send me home.. :P heng~~

Sunday, i went to do hair with my colleague~~ :P supposely to meet up with brothers they all.. but ended up.. i am really too tired...

haha.. today got someone msg me.. abt him and his gf.. haha.. surprisingly.. i dun feel anything when he told me wat happened.. hopefully both of them will be ok~~ dun think so much..

Sunday, January 11, 2009



第六十五簽下簽卯宮 古人孫濱困龐涓


hahaaha.. wat does it means...

Sunday, January 04, 2009


这几天我过着一个很平静,也想了很多。。 如果人生能这么简单该多好,可是往往都不会是这样的。。 在星期五,我拿了一天的假期, 去了马拉西亚走了一回。我好久都没有陪妈妈出去走一走。。我知道从下星期开始,我又要过着一个忙碌的一年了。 休息了三个礼拜,又是开学的时候了。

心理有点痛痛的。。 哈哈。。 我想到好多以前的事情。。 其实hor.. 可能我真的喜欢他那么深,只是我有一点放不下吧。。他很疼我,每天都听我唠叨,诉苦,所以让我习惯的被人疼得感觉,可是一切并没有持续很久。好像一切都是我一厢情愿的吧。其实对感情这回事,我已经不想去想了。有了好,没有也算了吧!

在这新的一年,我希望能减肥成功,并不是为了要赢我的好友。。 只是我觉得我堕落了好久,是时候为自己做一点事。 我好像从来都没有为我自己打算以下。。 不应该这么stubborn.

这几年我也想清楚,有一段时间我真的很气他,一切都过去了。。你hor, 让我学会了很多事情,我也学会坚强了许都。。谢谢您。。 :)

我也学会了一件事,不要爱上你的好朋友。我因为爱上我的好朋友而失去了一个很要好的好朋友。 如果每有他,我相信有很多难关我都挨不下去。 其实你离开了我也是一间好事,让我有一个理由难过伤心,也有个机会让我自己知道自己的酒量到底有多好。哈哈!! 从以前开始我说过我要学会珍惜身边的一切, 可是那一次和他分开后,我并没有应为那时的事情而变得成熟,而却是应为你我学会了珍惜。

哈哈!! 真好笑, 这几年我都过着一个很愚蠢的生活,希望新的一年我会学的变得更聪明,在事业与学业能够兼顾的好。不要向以前一样,胡里胡涂的过日子。

在这一年,我希望我不要依赖brothers们那么多。以一个woman的直觉,每有一个woman希望自己的男朋友和他的好朋友那么好吧。。 谁不会吃醋的阿!! 哈哈!! 这证明了一样事,我是一个醋坛子。 :)