Saturday, July 18, 2009

hahahaaha.. breakdown?

hahahaa.. recently been squeeze by work.. but studies also went really haywire..hahaa.. my grp not very united.. hahaa.. bcos of a book.. i also quarrelled with my friend.. hahahaa.. wah lah~~ i never attend first lecture for half an hour~~ hw i know need to buy book~~ =_____= she still keep saying.. u dunno meh~ he keeps mentioning~~ wah lau~~ wth.. i skipped half an hour~~ hw i know wat is happening? my fault meh!!! hahahaa. everytime not my fault~ also my fault~~ hahaaa.. sibei sian~~`

hahahaa.. just now on the way back hm~~ mummy said a topic~~ suddenly i feel a sharp pain in my heart~~ hahahaa.. guess tat topic is abt my wound.. opps.. i tot i had recoved frm that wound already.. hw come i still feel painful.. hahahaa.. am i really that stubborn...

hahahaa.. i tot i still told my friend i like someone.. hahaa.. he so cool.. sometimes so sweet.. hahaa.. but towards everyone he is also like that.. hahahaa.. see him.. makes me happier.. hhahahaa.. i think i need to brush up my communication skills.. but too bad~~ i too childish~~ hahaa.. min ah min~~ good guys are all attached le~~ wahahaa..

next month~~ i might be going chalet.. tmd~~ again go there be lightbulb ba~~ haiz~~ sian~~ guess i bring my ds lite go there play game~~ or dun stayed there overnite~~ hahaa.. i dun mind.. to get drunk if i can forget the past~~ especially the part tat hurt mt so badly.. hahaha.. really got so jialat mah~~ or i haven met the correct one~~ hahahaa...

surprisingly~ i had a dinner with my cousin~~ had some chat~~hopefully can slowly build our relationship ba~~

Sunday, July 12, 2009


hahhaaha... shifu~~ recently tot me some stuffs.. hahaaa.. i am trying to improve on it~~ based on her comments.. heheheee... see lah~~ her comments weight a lot to me~~ although she is not my reporting officer.

hahahaahaaaaa.. maybe is 我欠他的人情,所以我一直忘不了他。