Saturday, September 26, 2009

It had been so long ago

haha... It had been so long ago that i ever post here... Nt that recently i am extremely busy or wat had happened recently... After so many years, i had finally let go of the feelings i had for me.... Heeh.... I m so happy.... feel so gd to let go... But i still wish to have him as a friend... Cos he is my closest friend... 我们做不成情人也可以做朋友。

Haha. today i had a very bad backache... But i still insisted of going out with mum... This bad backache reminds me of nanny.. Haha... I always think he very naggy... Lol... :p i think i more naggy... Everything also wan to control... Hehe.. Last time when i bad backache... He is the one who accompany me see doctor... Haha.... While the other one only accompany me chat on phone.. haha.... Time flies... Each of us had our lives.. No point looking backward again... Just all these are very sweet memory..

我是一个很好骗的女人.. Haha...

Haha... My life nw involves work n study... As for relationship, is still empty... Asking whether wants to find one to occupate tat seat.. Haha... I wish but really depend on fate. crush... I gt leh... Lol.... At tat point of time, i really fall in love with him.. But looking back of my experience, i decide to move step backward... Just in case, we can't even b friends... Plus the type of gal he looking for confirm is nt me... Haha... Recently, i gt a lot of match make leh... Office one.. He is neighbour.. my gd friend said my brother.. Haha... My brother asked me go on diet... Haha... He scare 我嫁不出去...