Sunday, May 09, 2010


Recently, i starts school already. Can imagine that i study for so long yet, i still haven't graduate.. Really is miss stupid.. Miss stupid put all her heart in work or she just dun like to study?

As for work.. i also dunno hw to said.. Have here become my comfort zone that i dun wish to move? or ????

Hahaha.. Actually i am a woman that xin dong very easily.. Am i someone easy to understand or someone very hard to understand. He seems to understand me so well. Or just by coincidence that he knows me too well. But we two won't be possible to be together. I dun wish history reappear again. Once is enough, i had learnt my lesson. Time to move forward, find a good guy and settle down. Don't act to be cool.. Hahaha..

A few weeks ago, mummy told me that they are planning to put my granny to old folk homes.. I feel so sad.. cried a few nights.. I also know that granny's health deteriorating as time passes.. But i really hopes she can see me settle down before she left me..

haiz.... headache~~~