Friday, January 21, 2011


hahaaha... being very childish.. i am very afraid that i will fall in love with my gd friends.. hahaha.. first time being away from home for so many days.. first time i stepped out of airport, the person i saw was not my parents yet is my gd friend.. hahaa.. =D he was waiting for me there which i am very surprise.. hahaa.. seems like i am very happy when i switch on my phone.. i saw his sms.. he asked me whether i reached airport or not.. haahahaa..

as for my the other good friend... when i reached home carpark.. he is already at my house here.. i am so surprise.. hahahaa.. he will reach there earilier than me...

hahahaa.. i can't fall in love with gd friend.. yet i think they too pamper me.. i scare one day.. if they are attached.. i need to get drunk again?

Maybe is time for me to widen my circle of friends.. Hahaha.. Since the fortune teller already tell me that Nt likely I will be able to get
Marry or so call settle down...

Sunday, January 02, 2011

New year

Haha.... it had been very long tat I ever spend my Xmas or new year with my gd friends.. Erm.. I think the last time that we spend Xmas together was my last trip to bkk which was like 5 yrs ago when I am still working at my last company... Haaha.. Feeling is really different.. Nw
I started to know Wat kind of feelings I have.. Haaha....

Last year was it a good year for me.. Erm.. I dun think so.. Things wasn't
Tat great.... Maybe the first half year was pretty good but the second half year wa pretty screw up. Haizzzz .... Too many things happening ard.. I think I might need to find another to cover the highly incurred living costs or I had to cut down my extravagant spendthrift attitude.. First step to my success is to stop my spending speed.. Otherwise one day I will end up in debts.. =x

As for work wise, I know I will not have a chance to go for promotion this year.. Haiz.. Everything will be normal ba.. Now is hoping I dun get a very ugly grade for my apa.. If I didn't pass my exam.. Most likely I will have to quit my job.. I dun have the face to stay in the company anymore.. Haiz.. Really pray hard I will be able to get it done over with it.. 1.6k, I can pay for 7 mths of my granny nursing home charges..

As for relationship wise... Hahaha.. At the current moment, I haven't
Met the correct one.. Last wk, I went to fortune teller.. Haha.. So stupid.. But I believe wat she said... Naive? Maybe indeed I am really naive... Haha... She said once I did love the other person very deeply but ended he was being taken by others.. Haha.. Min
Now u dun have to tell yrself tat he gt all other reasons why he just left u in this manner.. Leaving a
Mystery for u to solve.. Haha.. No matter of how. I still have to face the truth and let go of it.. Otherwise I will not be able to start a new one.. :)