Sunday, July 31, 2011

My tears rolled down last nite

After so long, I had lost contact with k... This is the first time someone makes me cry... Should I be happy or should I be sad.. K had no longer had a place in my heart.. Somehow this person had slowly taken over his place, jus tat I did not notice it? Bcos he had been always there for me... Or I am jus being emotional.. Seems like I need to siam him far far away... I dun wan to get hurt... Since I know this is going to be a no ending road, why should I still continue.. Sometimes friend is still a friend.. Dun ever mix up a friend with a lover... friend is friend.... lover is lover... Maybe if Ytd nite, I dun meet up with him... At least I won't feel so bad ba? I think this time round, I had hide it away till very good... My tears only roll down when I reached hm and hide in the room... Luckily it didn't last me tat long ba... Maybe i will take a shorten time to forget him than I used to forget k?

Last nite I was telling my friend, maybe I go tw.. I will create a miracle, find a tw Bf bacK.. At least that will
Be the confirm ending between us.. he can busy entertain her... I can keep
Myself busy accompany my Bf... Then at least my feelings toward should be able to
Fade it as time passby.....

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jealousy? Or being kpo?

Sort of I feeling very angry abt last nite... So long I nvr had this kind of feeling again on the same guy... This is crazy... Is it bcos I too concern for this friend or I fall in love with this guy? Do I bother? I am very shy towards my relationship.. But sort of nowadays I slightly dare to admit a bit.. When my friend asked me a question who I will choose.. I told
Them a name.. Hahaha.. Guess they will stun too.. Of course I will want to find a guy who will dotes me and shower me with love and care... I am like a baby.. I think I am a very easily contented woman..

This Yr, I went to fortune teller regarding abt two matters, one of them is regarding about work, while
Another one is abt relationship. She told me I dun have any special feelings with them.. I think maybe she wants to indirectly tell
Me they will not be interested in me.. Otherwise I won't feel tat uncomfortable. I sort of had a quarrel with one
Of them last nite, and I jus walk off with my friend.. I still tot my friends they all will
Mistaken my relationship with her.. But none of them
Asked.. Neither did he SMS me anythig regarding abt last nite... Hahaha.. Being concern as friend, I asked him to
Go.. Dun drink le.. Yet he dun even bother.. Then i just walked off... Why should I still stand there being kpo.. Furthermore, I also gt a curfew to keep..

Guess is time to keep myself away frm these two friends.. After next sat's birthday celebration, I must Siam
Liao.. I dun mix up my feeling with neither one of them.. Otherwise I will be so dead.. Or I jus dun want to get myself hurt.. Anyway they jus treat me as friend.. Why should I care and bother so much?