Thursday, December 08, 2011


Recently, things doesn't really go tat right again. Seem like this year, is a not a good year for me. Things just happen one after one. Somehow before I go tw, I want to ensure that my parents can survive well and take gd care of themselves while I am away home for 11 days. Maybe bcos of my bad experience in hk, some of sort of I am Quite afraid of going oversea with friends yet I want to try how it feel to go with friends. With friends, u will have the freedom of buy Wat without someone nagging at u. Yet if u go with mummy, u will have to be a big girl Looking after her. Hopefully I will not screw up this 10 yrs of friendship. Maybe I am a person who is hard to get along? Haiz... At work wise, nothing seems to be right.. Hahaha.. I can sense tat me and my colleagues actually drift further. Hahaha.. Time to find another job? Seems tat this pay can no longer support Wat I need. So maybe I should look for something else tat can offer me better As for relationship wise, I heard that he gt married recently. I am Happy for him, that he gt married. It been like more than 6 yrs, Hw can I haven forget a person yet. At tat point, when I heard tat he gt married. I start to recall how nice is to me. Maybe bcos in ugly duckling life, she dun have such a guy who look after her before? No any other guys treat her tat well, so even though she knows tat he dun love her at all. She dragged a 3 yrs ties with him.. Mayb tat's why after I heard the news, I did depress for quite sometime.. Maybe brothers they all had replaced him and Justin's position in my heart. But I will nvr forget their kindness towards me. As for home wise, granny been wanting to go home. Haiz... Hopefully she can understand that not we don't want to brim her home. Is we cannot look after her at home. Sometimes life is tat cruel. When u want to go, yet the heaven want u to stay. Sometime seeing the poor ladies, I was thinking why not let them go. But if I let her go, my heart will be into pieces. Such a big dilemma. Haiz.. Why things just work the way they Used to be? Sometimes maybe to be a kid is better than to be an adult.