Monday, August 13, 2012


Sometimes What you want, and when you get it. You will realize that it is nothing. This year I encounter that my beloved granny n my mum admitted hospital. He been there accompany me... but it will be no ending between us, i know we are just friends.. somehow seems like i know that my heart is not clear, i doesn't seems to understand what is love. maybe the person who i love already hurt me till too deep or maybe he still have a place in my heart. but anyway if u asked me if i still remember how he looks like? i couldn't remember it at all. Anyway he is already married, it should be very happy now. i should start my happy life, should not be stopping at my that point. between who and who, i started to get confuse, now just like everything be normal, i dun want to recall anything nor remember what happened that night. ytd, someone hold my hands, but surprisingly i never push away.