Wednesday, January 09, 2013


7 yrs ago, he left me. 2 yrs ago, he gt married. Hahahaha.. At first, tot of he will be the one that i will marry. But ended up, there is no ending. In the first place, he dun even have any feelings with me, all along is i having crush on him. Maybe i don't know how to differentiate what is friendship and what is relationship? Just thought that i am happy can already. I just hurt that badly after i realize he had actually left me. After got drunk, i get back to myself, trying very hard to forget him. Didn't realise that i only buried him deep down in my heart. When i know that he is already someone's else husband, somehow my heart tear again. It just hurts. On last xmas eve, someone who is important to me left me. By then i realise that this hurts me more badly than the crush. Whenever i down, i hope he will be there for me. But i know he will not, friends been at my side accompanying through this hard time. At work, trying to stay control. Since i promise my boss, i will try to help her to maintain the work. But guess deep inside me, i already collapse.