Saturday, February 02, 2013

she left me

I know when she had already make up her mind to leave us. on sat, when i went to hospital to see her, nurses been trying very hard to stop her to pull out the tubes. We left once we saw the sad the moments. I couldn't control myself, i burst into tears when i am in the car. Sunday, as per normal, i went office first to place the xmas gifts before heading to the hospital. That day, we accompanied her quite a while before all of us head home. At night, my cousin told me, my granny is in danger. We rushed down to the hospital around 1 plus. Looking at conscious, mumbling words to us, which i dun understand at all. Looking back at my parents, i told them let's go back and even sms my cousin telling her that she is conscious, don't worry, go sleep. A few hours later, the nurses called my cousin that she had passed away. My phone did not ring at all, instead of it, i get missed call alerts. Maybe my granny dun want them to inform me, she scared i will collapse or she is angry that i nvr stayed there. If i know tat day, she will leave me. I will stay there till the moment she passed away. But if i see her passed away, i don't know how will i react.. from young till old, she always give in to me. she always endure my da xiao jie temper. i miss her a lot