Saturday, April 27, 2013


Last time, i use to have two good friends who will always be at my side.. but ever since last yr xmas eve, i realise tat we had drift apart. We will nvr be tat close as last time anymore. Sad? Sort of ba.. their care and concern will not place at me anymore. Guess ah ma's death had bring very bad impact on me and my mum. Sort of now, i feel like i just want to find someone to lean on and Support me. Before going for break, i think i am being tore aoart. Trying to accomplish my work, tying to laugh in front of everyone, although my heart is bleeding like hell. All because of a word "professional". Trying to keep cool and calm.and complete the stuffs. I not sure how much i score during tat period of time. But i had to admit tat was my toughest time which i had encountered till now. I had to handle my work and emotion and the same time, tat does not include home. I really almost collaspe, hiding in my blanket cried and cried bcos of the loss of my loved one..morning had to act as if nothing happend and rushed thru all my work. Tat's was the craziest period of time. But they are nt there for me. I know is time for me to drift them further.. they doesn't belong me. Dun anyhow touch other pple's stuff.