Monday, February 26, 2007

m00d swing

ytd tossed here and there till 4 plus.. didn't really get enuff sleep for the past few days.. hai~~~

friday, i was in office till 1am doing my stupid refresh. scared that it will affect other jobs, therefore i choose to monitor it before i go to watch movie. hai~~ luckily my colleague accompany me and we went to watch norbit. it is considered nt bad.. trying to laugh as hard as possible.. hoping tat i really can laugh from the bottom of my heart.. guess pig year wasn't a good start for me.. before i alight from the taxi, i knocked my head against the handle. argh!!!!! extremely painful, but trying to crack joke that i will struck 4d on sat.. lame... ard 4am plus, my colleague took a midnite bus home.. while i am standing alone in orchard trying to wait for my bus come.. of cos i can't stand the loneliness being alone at orchard rd alone.. i called dear.. haha.. :P i blame him.. why can't he be in sg for me.. or is it bcos pple who landed in long distance relationship ended like me? or i too dependent on other pple? or can our relationship? or should i said we had never start before? or ?? he accompany me throughout the journey back home.. he read my blog and knew the news abt my ear but i avoid talking abt it.. or i dun want to face it myself?

sat.. i slept till 1 plus.. ard 4 plus got to work at home.. and went out with mummy.. cos she want to eat yu sheng.. i went to bought salmon sashimi... hahaa.. but.. they dun dare to eat.. i ate the whole plate of sashimi... ard 8 plus, i went down to vivocity to meet up my cousin and her friends.. i did not went back to clinic to do a further checkup... haha.. guess i am really running away from reality.. ard 10 plus, i went in to st james.. haha.. a different experience that i got.. tat day i dressed differently.. wear a pair of heels there.. guess i siao liao? drank a bit.. but heart feel damn painful.. dunno why.. hai~~ actually wanted to meet up with nanny.. to su ku.. but guess he busy.. rejected me for supper.. i left st james ard 3 plus and took cab hm..

sun.. i was at home sleeping.. but i woke up earilier than i expected.. i knocked out after i reached home and i slept over at the sofa.. morning than wake up to pom pom.. am i drunk? hahaa.. guess i start to like this place.. i still tot of going this sat.. asking esterling they all to go.. but guess they are nt free ba.. so in the end, i never msg..

my gd friend msn me.. asking whether i want to join her and her new bf and gary to bali.. hahaha.. suprisely, i rejected it.. i dunno why.. i feel we started to have gap.. or bcos my mind is whirling and not clear of things again..

had a short chat with my another gd friend on msn.. he asked me why so late i still haven sleep.. stress over wat.. i... actually wanted to tell him.. but... guess is too late.. my computer is playing a fool with me.. got dc..
had a chat with my netfriend too.. haha.. he said.. u are the one who choose whether happy or unhappy.. guess in the end, i choose unhappy..
or maybe bcos of my ear.. i feel a bit frustrated.. and unhappy..

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