Thursday, July 31, 2008

guess i need a break~~

haha.. ever tot of whether after my trip, i bcome very weird.. very quiet? haha.. sometimes i also dunno~~ i feel a bit puzzled and lost~~ just suddenly feel the emptiness~~

i like or love life that is simple but once you realize that everyday is the same, you will start to get bored about it. But sometimes suddenly everything come together, you will feel that everything just turn upside down..

Monday, July 14, 2008


hahaa.. seriously, guess i had to pack up my feelings.. hahaa.. guess.. my studies going to start soon.. relationship is just something i should not touch, cos i know i cannot focus or concentrate on two different things at the same time.. haha.. dun mistaken.. not tat i am attached or someone going after me~~ guess i know myself too well.. i haven met the right person yet~~ hehee.. but i am glad.. i got a friend who cares for me so much~~ reached home so late already, still call me ensure that i reached home also~~ haha.. guess u know who u are.. i thinks sometimes when u free or u are online~~ u will kpo on wat i wrote.. hehe.. :P

Thursday, July 03, 2008


The True You
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more open with you.With respect to money, you spend whatever you have.You think good luck will definitely be yours, someday.The hidden side of your personality tends to be methodical in your ways - with trouble adapting to the rules of society.You care more about world trends and fashions than you do about well formed opinions.When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you don't have any particular type in mind, but you are inclined to look for someone who will say yes when you ask him / her out.

is it true?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


haiz~~ guess bcos of my job~~ i think i getting aging faster leh~~ guess bcos of my lateness causes me to sleep late at nite.. too kpo sometimes~~ talk too long on phone~~ too hyper at nite.. sob sob... guess i need to do something to keep myself looks better and radiance~~ haiz~~~ i keep telling myself~~i going to attend my gd friend's wedding end of the year wor~~ must looks nice nice... haha.. :P omg~~ hopefully i will do it wor~~

haha.. guess my hk trip, will be a trip for me to go there buy cosmetics.. haha.. time to do something~~ omg~~ when i bcome so ai mei arh~~i tot i am a lazy woman~~ i guess is better to stick to myself to be a lazy woman~~ wahahaaa.... :P

some office updates.. as u know lah~~ i am a contract worker.. most of the times dun have a lot of benefits de lah~~ haha.. my colleagues they all get me a seat for DND.. erm.. question mark right... go or dun go.. if they going, and asked me go.. i sure go de mah~~ who asked me is siao on de.. even my mum also said me~~ pple asked u go.. u sure go.. when u will reject pple de.. can go pasir ris chalet then evening go east coast chalet.. haha.. nowadays dun have so many events le lah~~ sian~~ this month got a lot of bird days~~