Thursday, November 27, 2008

Had been very busy recently~~

Hahaa... i overslept on my gd friend's wedding. Hopefully tat day, 我不时很失态吧!!我好像说错话了。 yy, you are so pretty that day.. hehee.. 我会加油的, 赢到我的台湾机票!!看齐来我已经决定我明年要去台湾了。。 会去的成功吗? 明年就有答案了。

haha.. during that week, i was on two days of mc and one day of leave. No choice, i had to go back to work on sunday when she was having her dinner.. :X I rushed to parkway to get a birthday gift for her which i saw it a few days ago.. hahaa.. :P should had bought it earilier hor.. otherwise i won't be that late.. Hahaha.. guess i looks a bit weird that nite.. looks like a kiddy sia~~ haha..

after tat week.. wat did i do arh.. erm.. let me think.. i cannot recall of anyting~~~ orh~~ i went to changi airport to do my assignment after my lesson. when i reached home is ard 9plus am~~ super shag hor~~ take a nap le.. then my uncle came over to my house and said something happened to my auntie~~ haiZ~~~ i..................... at nite, i went to meet up with my poly friends.. lol.. had my dinner at waraku pasta.. once a while gathering.. still consider not bad ba~~ as when u gets old, everyone started to have their different life, is hard to have a gathering session. haiz~~ sob sob.. seems like i am eagerly to find one now~~ haha.. i also dunno... maybe just like my korkor said de.. i too long never been in love le.. i had lose the way how to love someone le.. or so called i dunno how to cherish pple. guess is still better to stay low profile.. once in a while, i got friends asked me out can le~~~ hear me su ku.. complain can le~~ dun need always i entertain them.. haha.. :P
Sunday, i met my brothers.. haha.. my friend called me out, i asked her to join us together.. hehee.. after we bought the tickets hor~~ brother said he is going to treat me.. :P so nice of him~~ treat me eat... wahahaa.. i stole his phone.. still got free meals.. not bad hor... hahaa.. :P my brothers arh.. they are like that de.. treat me like a male de.. haiz~~ of cos i kept quiet to my friend that he actually treating me~~ otherwise very weird leh~~~

last wk... was a wk of chionging assignment.. chiong until like mad woman.. skips lunch, no lunching outside.. stay in office.. everyday sleeps 3-5 hours.. sob sob.. complexion getting worst.. haiz~~ luckily nowadays never met up with korkor.. otherwise he sure kp abt me.. he sure said u sure nobody wants le.. hahaaha.. i know this is the truth le.. :X 我应经看开了`。。。 lol.. :P

My friend got her bonus le~~ haha.. she treats me kushinbo.. hehee.. i kept quiet in front of another friend also.. paiseh~~~ go eat together mah.. after tat we went to watch Madagascar.. then i took a bus home.. hahaa.. my another gd friend asked me to go clubbing.. i super shag le~~ where got energy to go clubbing.. in the end, i miss a chance to meet up with a yandao.. sob sob.. :'( based on wat she said arh.. tat guy very yandao leh.. cos she seldom will said guys yandao de.. hahaa.. she is a chio bu wor~~ of cos her taste for guys is higher..

Sunday, i went to loreal fair.. haha.. bought some stuffs.. of cos 大少爷complain that i am always late.. Ask me to learn punctuality.. sob sob.. :( dun he knows bcos of late.. i lose someone.. hahaha.. but everything over le.. no point to mention it again le...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Assignment + Gd Friend's Wedding

Haahhaa.. Recently i am being tied down by my assignment and gd friend's wedding.. As u can know.. i thinks i belong to a person who likes to enjoy going out often.. hahaha... my parents used to say,"why last time we never tied your legs when u are still a baby?" Guess now is too late.. Hahaahaa.. I paid 1k plus for the first module yet my first assignment still remain untouch. This reminds me about the times when i was in poly. Hahaha.. In poly, always got kw aka my shifu helped me a lot~~ OF cos still got my buddies in poly lah.. hahaa.. the four of us are famous for last minute. Last minute study until next day morning then go school take exams.. Hahahaa.. but now, 1 bcome career woman, another 1 bcomes xin fu de nu ren, while ceo remains uncontactable.. hahaa.. while as for me.. still remains kiddy like last time.. hahaa.. guess each time they talked to me also wants to puke blood.

Hahahaa.. seriously, i guess i belong to the type very emotional ba~~ erm... seriously my colleagues treat me quite good ba~~ they knows that i am currently studying.. on the first day, they will offer me cakes and yougurt drink, to encourage me to school.. hahaa.. now assignment is going to hand up soon le, they asking me whether i need any help or not. She will help me.. hahaa.. seriously, everyone bcomes more mature than wat i know.. yet i am still as kiddy as i am... hahaa.. is it time to find someone to look after me.. haha.. but is quite hard, currently i dun have anyone in mind nor anyone going after me.. haha... time to concentrate on my studies ba~~ hopefully i can find one before i graduate.. hahaa.. hopefully he can go aus with me to celebrate the joy with me that i had graduate after struggling for my studies. i dun mind to be lightbulb for 1 year but not longer ba~~ haha.. lao tian ye arh~~~ bu yao zhe yang mah.. lol.. :P wo tu ran jian hao xiang bei ai de gang jue~~~ lol.. :P guess wo hai shi dang ge xiao nu ren hao ba~~~

hahaa.. ytd i met my gd friend with a gal.. haha.. surprisingly, i dun have that kind of the feelings.. hahahaa.. no feelings at all lor~~ later when i am at tampines, i met my classmates.. then when i go cineleisure to meet my friends, i met my ex-colleagues... hahaa.. within one day, i met 3 persons sia~~~ hw come arh..


5 more days to assignment date due.. i wondering can i finish before it or i had to take mc or leave le.

1 more wk to yy's wedding le~~ time passes super fast, i knew her for more than 10 years.. now she is getting married le~~ while i still remain single.. hahaa... wo xi wang ta xin fu..

to me, i think when u reached wedding stage, is another phrase in life, in this phrase, there are different things/stuffs to learn :
- hw to live in harmony with your husband's family
- hw to cook
- hw to keep the love between both of u keep burning till u all are old..
- hw to etc.................