Thursday, November 27, 2008

Had been very busy recently~~

Hahaa... i overslept on my gd friend's wedding. Hopefully tat day, 我不时很失态吧!!我好像说错话了。 yy, you are so pretty that day.. hehee.. 我会加油的, 赢到我的台湾机票!!看齐来我已经决定我明年要去台湾了。。 会去的成功吗? 明年就有答案了。

haha.. during that week, i was on two days of mc and one day of leave. No choice, i had to go back to work on sunday when she was having her dinner.. :X I rushed to parkway to get a birthday gift for her which i saw it a few days ago.. hahaa.. :P should had bought it earilier hor.. otherwise i won't be that late.. Hahaha.. guess i looks a bit weird that nite.. looks like a kiddy sia~~ haha..

after tat week.. wat did i do arh.. erm.. let me think.. i cannot recall of anyting~~~ orh~~ i went to changi airport to do my assignment after my lesson. when i reached home is ard 9plus am~~ super shag hor~~ take a nap le.. then my uncle came over to my house and said something happened to my auntie~~ haiZ~~~ i..................... at nite, i went to meet up with my poly friends.. lol.. had my dinner at waraku pasta.. once a while gathering.. still consider not bad ba~~ as when u gets old, everyone started to have their different life, is hard to have a gathering session. haiz~~ sob sob.. seems like i am eagerly to find one now~~ haha.. i also dunno... maybe just like my korkor said de.. i too long never been in love le.. i had lose the way how to love someone le.. or so called i dunno how to cherish pple. guess is still better to stay low profile.. once in a while, i got friends asked me out can le~~~ hear me su ku.. complain can le~~ dun need always i entertain them.. haha.. :P
Sunday, i met my brothers.. haha.. my friend called me out, i asked her to join us together.. hehee.. after we bought the tickets hor~~ brother said he is going to treat me.. :P so nice of him~~ treat me eat... wahahaa.. i stole his phone.. still got free meals.. not bad hor... hahaa.. :P my brothers arh.. they are like that de.. treat me like a male de.. haiz~~ of cos i kept quiet to my friend that he actually treating me~~ otherwise very weird leh~~~

last wk... was a wk of chionging assignment.. chiong until like mad woman.. skips lunch, no lunching outside.. stay in office.. everyday sleeps 3-5 hours.. sob sob.. complexion getting worst.. haiz~~ luckily nowadays never met up with korkor.. otherwise he sure kp abt me.. he sure said u sure nobody wants le.. hahaaha.. i know this is the truth le.. :X 我应经看开了`。。。 lol.. :P

My friend got her bonus le~~ haha.. she treats me kushinbo.. hehee.. i kept quiet in front of another friend also.. paiseh~~~ go eat together mah.. after tat we went to watch Madagascar.. then i took a bus home.. hahaa.. my another gd friend asked me to go clubbing.. i super shag le~~ where got energy to go clubbing.. in the end, i miss a chance to meet up with a yandao.. sob sob.. :'( based on wat she said arh.. tat guy very yandao leh.. cos she seldom will said guys yandao de.. hahaa.. she is a chio bu wor~~ of cos her taste for guys is higher..

Sunday, i went to loreal fair.. haha.. bought some stuffs.. of cos 大少爷complain that i am always late.. Ask me to learn punctuality.. sob sob.. :( dun he knows bcos of late.. i lose someone.. hahaha.. but everything over le.. no point to mention it again le...

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