Tuesday, December 09, 2008


ARGH!!!! i think i am stupid.. and is nt stupid only.. IS EXTREMELY STUPID!!! haiz!!!!

i am slow and stupid.. haiz~~~

我老板快要给我气死了!!!我觉得我笨到一种无可救药的地步!!! 做事经常放错,我好气自己啊!

黄小姐,不要一直做个糊涂虫,你已经24岁了!! 还那么没有用!!! 真是一个蠢才!!!

i start to wondering, can i really survive in this private sector world? do i suits to contiune to work here? haiz~~~ i doubt i can cope to with the fast pace in my work.. haiz~~ between work and studies can i really cope it? my studies went chaos.. now my work also went chaos.. haiz~~ guess my life is in a mess now~~~

so should i consider that i dun have a bf now? otherwise maybe my relationship will went chaos too? or maybe he can hear me complain~~~

haiz~~ guess maybe this weekend should be a clubbing week or drinking week..

double combo.. can i take it?

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