Sunday, March 15, 2009

hahaha.. the past~~

wow.. indeed, i took a long way to walk out the maze. Amazingly, i manage to get my way out. Wishing him with all the happiness and happily ever after with his the other half. I guess now he should be married le ba~~ whaahaa.. i am still in love with this married guy? hahaha.. no lah.. just a memories~~ i read thru my old blog~~ hahahahaaa... i didn't know that i wrote so many parts that i will break down when me and him are aparted.. hahaha... i really break down le~~ and this breakdown took me more than 3 years to recover back~~ hahaha.. so short only~~ i still tot is very long ago~~~ hahaha... time passes so fast~~~ omg~~

What if i said.. now i am in love with my gd friend.. hahahaa... to protect myself from getting hurt.. i decided to step out... No ending de~~ i dun want to have something that happened again.. u know hor~~ is very painful lor~ tat cut is damn bad~~ tmd... wrote so many post that i must fade away the crush.. hw can standby someone for so long yet no status.. STUPID arh~~ hopefully, now i am better..

hahahaa... now everyone treats me like an ah siao~~ i prefer to stay on as ah siao~~ i think is happier... hahaha.. life is so short... wat if one day, i land in hospital~~ hahaahaa.. or if one day, i walked off from this world.. will anyone miss me~~ haha.. i hopes i will go off later than my grandma... i dun want her to cry for me~~ hahhaa.. is it bcome my time is up~~ tat's why i am so happy... hahaha.. so energetic in things that i do.. or i am happy from the bottom of my heart~~ hahahahah... sounds so sad here sia~~ haahaha.. i haven go for medical checkup yet.. haha.. based on woman's instinct.. i can sense some parts of my body or health had gone haywire le~~ hahahaa.. or i think too much~~ tat's why i started my diet~~ hopefully this will makes me lead a healthier life~~

dear friends.. i am ok~~ jus think tat my cholestral is damn high~~ guess is the frequent of seafood and meat.. frm a kid.. i had nvr like vegetables~ now trying to love to eat salad.. and sashimi~~ whaahahaa...sashimi should not be fat right.. hahaha.. Time to do exercise~~ :P

but most likely, this yr or next yr, i will be going for operation.. should i pick an auspicious date.. hahaha... definitely is not bcos after watching perfect and perfect 2, i am thinking of getting myself plastic surgery to do liposuction.. hahaha.. is time for me to pluck my wisdom tooth.. so sad sia~~ i no wisdom.. nw going to pluck away my wisdom tooh.. guess is going to be worst~~ i think my iq is less than 50 sia~~

time to sleep le~~ nite nite.. :)

Friday, March 06, 2009

1 year... Time files~~~

Hahaha.. So fast, i am with my current company for one year already. Wahahaa.. From a subContract to perm. So called waited for so many years, after i graduate, i finally get myself a perm job. Omg~~~ I had waited for 2 years plus..

This year, of cos, i hopes that my diet will have effect.. Instead of growing horizontally.... i would wish it to be reducing from horizontally.. haha.. When pple gets old, u will start to feel emptiness? haha.. but at the moment, i won't feel in this way.. Every week, i had to study 4 days, time passes very fast for me. Hopefully, one year later, i will said i had graduate and get myself a degree. Hehehee... :P Hopefully, my parents will feel glad. From young till now, they dun give me any burden nor any stress. Unlike other kids, i dun have the stress or pressure from parents regarding studies. They dun decide which path should i take nor which way should i take. They let me decide my own path.

Seriously, from a rebellious kid when i am young till now. I doubt i got a lot of changes? Haha.. In life, of cos there will be ups and down. I used to take it very seriously but it doesn't seems to be the correct approach. But i admit is my fault. In a friendship, it is not a must that the other party need to be reciprocal in the same way. There was a time tat i can't differentiate friendship and relationship well. Hopefully in the future, i can see it clearly. Hahaaaa.. As for my love life hor, is still empty.. hehee.. Oppss, seems that it had been emptied for quite a long period of time le~~ haha.. maybe forever? I start to love single life.. hehee.. but of cos, there are times that i will feel emptiness and hopes to have someone to care for me.. But i think nobody can replace the love from my parents.

Hahahaaa.. They are always that protective towards me, although they give me a lot of freedom. Opps, this sounds like confusing. Maybe that is the culture from my parents or maybe bcos i am the only one. Normally the "one" is always very precious. Your love will all pay towards him/her. Just like when you love someone. Tat someone bcome the "one", you will try not to hurt him/her indirectly.

Recently, i had bcome closed with my friend's gf.. OMG!!! is this correct? Hahaha.. U know.. Is hard to believe sia... I am not sociable yet i can be friends with my friend's partner. Hahaa.. WORST!!! one is my brother's gf. Erm.. Not to said being betray whoever, so i will stay at a position of "I dunno anything". Listen and forget... Sometimes, i really very scare i said the wrong thing bcos sometimes i dun my brain dun process wat i said, which means is "人头猪brain".

Situation 1 :
Your bf going to share a room with one of his female friends. Will you mind?

Hahaha.. Seriously, if i really love him. I will mind. When he is away, i will keep think of what is going to happen there. Maybe i belong to possessive type ba.. But you know woman always have this kind of feelings especially pple like me who dun have confident in myself. Haha.. I tried before to break up bcos i dun have confident in myself. haha.. or maybe so called i dunno wat is love ba or i trying to protect myself not to get hurt.. haha.. but ended up, i still got hurt.. which then, my door is closed.. :X i am waiting for the correct person who holds the key for my door... =p

Normally the guy will said, u should trust me. Both of us had been together for so long and etc............ The problem is nobody dares to make promises time cannot change anything.

Situation 2
So called "Yr gd friend" stepped into a third party relationship. Haha.. Isn't tat normal? Nowadays so many relationship being broken up bcos there is a third party. What if you know both gals? Relationship is not strong enough to encounter the blow. From an outsider view is, the earlier you let go, is better for you. You know hor.. If the relationship had already being fade away, no matter hw you fix it. It will still occurs again? Once bitten, twice shy. Or so called when both of you quarrel, you will still bring back the past (provided u are a person who keep looking backwards, just like me.. =x), then ended up each time quarrel will get worst. Ending is still break up.

Situation 3
What if your bf had a very close gal friend? Hahahaa.. Most imptly, see hw the gal looks first.. --> hahah.. this is wat my guy friend told me de.. haha.. or see hw close they are.. If they are buddies le.. then should be ok ba~~ cos yr bf sure treat that gal as guy liao.. Personal opinion.. When a guy and a girl had bcome good friends for very long, i doubt that there will be sparks. Will you want someone who know deep inside u? haha... Woman arh.. HArd to understand creatures sia~~ At one moment, you would wish to have a bf who knows u deep inside, at another moment, u desire a bf who dunno u tat well.. Haha.. Time to work smart.... When u know her too well, act that u dunno her well.. When is time to show her concern or shower her with gifts.. Then u should know her well.. Which means.. When she is down... is time to show that u understand her well.. When she is ok.. then is time to act stupid.. dun everything also said "Ok.. i know.." Ended up, no surprises.. hw to maintan a relationship?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

First Day of Diet is my first day of diet..
if within 3 mths, i manage to get results.. i am going to get myself a gucci small pouch. :P