Sunday, March 15, 2009

hahaha.. the past~~

wow.. indeed, i took a long way to walk out the maze. Amazingly, i manage to get my way out. Wishing him with all the happiness and happily ever after with his the other half. I guess now he should be married le ba~~ whaahaa.. i am still in love with this married guy? hahaha.. no lah.. just a memories~~ i read thru my old blog~~ hahahahaaa... i didn't know that i wrote so many parts that i will break down when me and him are aparted.. hahaha... i really break down le~~ and this breakdown took me more than 3 years to recover back~~ hahaha.. so short only~~ i still tot is very long ago~~~ hahaha... time passes so fast~~~ omg~~

What if i said.. now i am in love with my gd friend.. hahahaa... to protect myself from getting hurt.. i decided to step out... No ending de~~ i dun want to have something that happened again.. u know hor~~ is very painful lor~ tat cut is damn bad~~ tmd... wrote so many post that i must fade away the crush.. hw can standby someone for so long yet no status.. STUPID arh~~ hopefully, now i am better..

hahahaa... now everyone treats me like an ah siao~~ i prefer to stay on as ah siao~~ i think is happier... hahaha.. life is so short... wat if one day, i land in hospital~~ hahaahaa.. or if one day, i walked off from this world.. will anyone miss me~~ haha.. i hopes i will go off later than my grandma... i dun want her to cry for me~~ hahhaa.. is it bcome my time is up~~ tat's why i am so happy... hahaha.. so energetic in things that i do.. or i am happy from the bottom of my heart~~ hahahahah... sounds so sad here sia~~ haahaha.. i haven go for medical checkup yet.. haha.. based on woman's instinct.. i can sense some parts of my body or health had gone haywire le~~ hahahaa.. or i think too much~~ tat's why i started my diet~~ hopefully this will makes me lead a healthier life~~

dear friends.. i am ok~~ jus think tat my cholestral is damn high~~ guess is the frequent of seafood and meat.. frm a kid.. i had nvr like vegetables~ now trying to love to eat salad.. and sashimi~~ whaahahaa...sashimi should not be fat right.. hahaha.. Time to do exercise~~ :P

but most likely, this yr or next yr, i will be going for operation.. should i pick an auspicious date.. hahaha... definitely is not bcos after watching perfect and perfect 2, i am thinking of getting myself plastic surgery to do liposuction.. hahaha.. is time for me to pluck my wisdom tooth.. so sad sia~~ i no wisdom.. nw going to pluck away my wisdom tooh.. guess is going to be worst~~ i think my iq is less than 50 sia~~

time to sleep le~~ nite nite.. :)

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