Friday, June 19, 2009


哈哈!不知不觉, 我已经在我现在的公司做了一年多..

hahahaa.. . Realise that if i am type that in chinese, i will not be able to type finish this post in about 15 mins time. Wahahaaa.. :P

Last week, i did my performance review report. Hahhahaaa.. Guess what i get? Seriously i was hoping for a better grade, but it ended up having disappointment. Hahaha.. Recently, i been very close with my shifu. Sometimes i will just disturb her whenever i am in office. Heheheee.. Of cos she is like my da jiejie like that.. Hahaha.. She actually taught me a lot of stuffs but too bad last time in my ex-company, she only guide me a while. Of cos i am in deep trouble, she was the one who help me to tell others that. That is when my help came over to save me from that pile of shit. Instead of being pressure by a lot of people, i started to get attention from others that without help, i will die there. HAhahaa.. Pressure from users, bosses and dateline. Is a DAMN shitty job. But not to mention, maybe without encouragement from everyone, i doubt i can survive.. :P Hahahaa.. Shifu told me that my grade not too bad le, cos i am only being review for half a year. When i signed my letter, the lady already told me that everything will starts from when i signed that letter.

What my big boss told me was that i got what i had was because based on what i had contributed before i was being converted as well. Hahaha.. I saw my director comment. She said i need to build up my confident and i can try out others position. Does it means that if i show improvement, i will be promote one level up? Hahahaahaa.. Guess i must be dreaming right. Furthermore, my boss said that i dunno how to articulate things that i want to said. That is true. Seriously, i am not a person who are good at words. Normally i will just provoke people ba. Hahahaa.. Tat's why i dun have a lot of friends?

Hahahaa.. Last tuesday, i was very pissed off that my big boss only praise my colleague for the work that she put in to get things done. Hahahaa.. Then i went over to server room to hide.. wahahaa.. Opps.. Sounds like i am showing attitude, but of cos i got stuffs to do, that's why i go over, just that i go over earilier.. =p

Opps.. This coming Sat, my gd friend going aus for a month le~~ opps.. Without her.. can i still survive.. Normally i will sms her to complain/grumble~~ but hor~~ nvm~~ still got two persons.. Although both of them are attached, they will be there for me de hor~~ ahahaa

Last wk, i saw korkor's blog.. Erm.. Seriously, he had been very different since i know him when i am sec 1. Hahahaa.. Time Files~~ We used to be very closed but of cos now we are still good friends. Hahaha.. Korkor scold me before. When i need him, i will wish that he be there for me. When he needs me, he also cannot find me. Guess i am a selfish freak~~ Seriously, korkor.. You had been there for me whenever i am really down. Without you, that time i had already collaspe, would not move to be what i am now. I still remember, there is one night.. HAhaahaa.. Some stuffs happened.. I said i dun want to be friends with you. You call me immediately asked me what had happened.. Hahaha.. Tat day, u hear me cried like siao~~ hahahaa.. Before you go back, u handed me a packet of sweets telling me work hard for your o level, ok.. dun think too much..Hahahaaa.. What happened that day arh.. that makes me cry like mad.. Hahahaa.. Of cos is bcos of adults~~~ hahaahaa...

hahahaa.. Very Ridiculously hor~~ is when Korkor burst my voicemail, is when i met him. Wahahaha... These two nan ren arh~~ haiz~~ one of them i had lose him le~~ i should try to keep the other one hor~~ arbo, lose both of them.. How...

hahaahaa.. seriously i think i very thick-skinned leh~~ Min arh min.. He never loves you before.. When you had such a strong feelings with him, even now you still hopes to have him as a friend.. Yet pple is still so scare of you.. Hahaa.. Min, i thinks you are just being silly. When you had feelings with someone who don't loves you at all. Hahaahaa.. I also dunno why leh~~ is had bcome of habit or ? Haahahaa.. Erm, seriously now hor~~ i just wants to be friend with you. I just dun want to lose a good friend. I know both of us will not be together but i really wish to be friends with you. Bcos i feel that u are the person that i get opened up to talk with. Hahaaha.. You know lah.. Min dun have a lot of friends.. I just wants a few friends that are close can le~~ Hopes we still have a chance to be friends..

Oppss.. Min arh Min.. You are really damn thick-skinned leh~~ hahaahaa.. Is ok lah.. He will never know all these.. To him, i am just a passby person.. HAhaaa.. I scold you before~~ is my fault~~ Maybe.. Opps.. Should not said maybe.. Should said is i am the one being rude, tat's why i had lose this friendship~~ Hahaaa.. When we had our cold war, i never feel that pain.. Hahahaa.. Just like what jil said.. When u are away for one month, i cried one month.. HAahaa.. How come i dunno that u are so impt to me.. WHen i totally lose you, i feel so pain~~ You know why.. Let me tell you ba~~


Korkor pull me out from O level. You had also heard me cried when i quarrel with him when i just met you. Hahaa.. You told me.. Dun cry le~~ everything will be ok de.. Hahaah... You two hor are the most important persons in my life leh~~ hahahaa.. Everytime helped me yet dun let me do something for both of you to express my gratitude.. Hahaahaa.. But as time goes, i had bcome closer with you than korkor.. Hahaha, i also dunno when i had fallen for you.. Wahahahaa.. The only time when my hp bill burst is becos of u lah... Hahaha.. I miss those simple days.. Maybe just like what brother told me.. You hor~~ belong to stupid woman where guys won't like de.. HAhahaaa.. =p

I scold you before yet i wish to be friend with you.. Very confusing right.. Hahahaa.. Maybe i am just trying to make myself feel better.. HAahhaa.. I dunno leh is because i dunno the reason why we were being apart for so far or ?

HAhaahaa.. 我讨厌你们lah.. 每一次,让我想起你们曾经为我这个傻瓜的事, 我都会哭了。。我真的很想念那段日子。。 可是一切都过去了。。 我还有korkor在。。 =)

HAhaahaa... Tell u all a truth ba~~ Hahahaaa.. I told jil before that i had forgotten about you. Hahahaa.. Maybe i am lying to myself ba~~ bcos you had a placed inside me le~~ hahahaa.. I know why i lose you.. Bcos i am just a wildful person.. A person who is extremely selfish.. Who scares to lose.. Who throws temper on you.. Who scold you when i dun need you.. who dun wants to change.. who is extremely selfish~ 6 years ago, i told u i want to go diet.. diet until dunno where le~~ even my the other gd friend slim down le~~ yet i did nothing.. Just like wat da jie said, i dun have any reputation.. What i said are always lies~~ Such a failure.... 我哪里配得起你这个朋友。。 你是一个笨笨的朋友。。 朋友有事,你一定会帮他。我知道那时你帮我是你相信我。可是你不知道应为这样,我也慢慢的爱上你了。我从小到大,我知道我是一支丑小鸭。我也没想过会有一个人会对我那么好。。 也应为这样,我在那里时,我好想您。哈哈。。 笨笨的。。 我以为丑小鸭终于有人要了,没想到适应为你对每个人都一样好。 我就那么笨的以为你就是我的真名天子了。。 哈哈。。 从失去你到现在,我以定要find一个比你好的男人。这样才对的起我自己吗。。 =)

Monday, June 08, 2009

a old friend came over...

hahahaaa..ever since after my poly days... my old friend so long never find me~~
hahahaa.. recently.. it came back~~ hahahaa.. omg~~

dunno leh..recently work been very tie up with me~~ everyday kana squeeze the brain juice~~ i am tired~~ but i am still happy.. hahaha.. being contented with life? hahaha.. no lah...

erm~~ seriously.. recently, my feelings went haywire again~~ hahahaa.. i saw a guy who looks like him~~ hahaha.. but i know is not him~~ wahahaa.. stupid right.. just had a very weird feelings towards this guy.. dunno why.. is it bcos he looks like him~~ hahahaa..

recently.. i got a feeling of stepping into a relationship~~ but hor~~ nobody wants.. wahahahaaa.. wo tui ran xiang jia~~ mayb that's why nowadays pple called me ah siao~~~ :P

hahaaaa.. recently been really guai~~ never touch alcholic drinks at all wor.. ahhahaaa....