Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A nite to remember?

Hahaha.. Last Sat, i went to St James with my friends. I remembered what happened that day vividly.

Lunch, i had New York New York heavy lunch. Then at nite, i went to meet up with my friend to take a bag from her. Then ard evening time, i met up with friends to watch movie. Jennifer's Body wasn't that fantastic show as i tot. Haha.. You know when i am watching the movie. My mind actually wondering ard. Hahaha.. Maybe recently i been really moody? I also don't know what happen to me..

For entertaining me, my friends actually accompanied to St James to meet my gd friend there. Hahaha.. Luckily, i didn't said anything wrong out that day.. Maybe abt my friend's relationship that part.. i shouldn't said out.. =x erm.. u know at the moment, i am happy.. Hahaha.. not bcos i said out my friend's relationship.. Is that i know someone do place a seat in my heart. Hahaha.. I know is impossible.. Min arh Min, pls pull yourself out. You two can fool ard when he is single.. When he is attached, pls.. u know he will be attach sooner or later.. u will still feel that kind of feeling.. pull yrself out, pls.. i dun want to see myself drag for another few more years..

keeke.. yes.. i will listen to u once to go on diet.. haha.. although u never said wat u want me to listen to u.. hahaa.. but seems like everyone is challenging abt my determination.. i dunno whether i will success or not.. but i willing to try.. to save money and to bcome prettier..

i know both of us will not be together.. we will be gd pals.. but i believe the next coming year, we will have gaps in between us... we will slowly drift apart.. u will start to find yr happiness.. of cos u also wish that i can find someone who be there for me..

u know when i am waiting for first train.. a lot of memories are flown on mind.. haha.. I was telling myself.. i can fall in love with anyone except u..

cos i dun want to lose u.. =x

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