Sunday, December 13, 2009

erm.. twlight part 2..

Erm.. Recently, i went to watch twlight part 2. Erm.. Seems like this movie was my cup of tea. Opps, i tot i like to watch romance movie? I guess only cartoon, horror and action pact movie suits me. That nite, i watched till i fall asleep for a while. Guess it is because, i was not feeling well too. That night, i went out with my good friends to celebrate their birthday. I went to my friend's gf house for dinner and played with their doggies.. :P kekee.. It had been ages that i ever touched with dogs. Haha.. Last time, i worked in a petshop wor. kekekekee.. =D

That movie let me think back of the past that i had.. Hahaha, i haven let go of the past? Erm, no lah.. I had let go of it. Just i hate myself that i am being so indecisive. Min arh Min, so long le, u still haven grown up.

Hahaha.. Guess, i very steady that nite wor, i was having gastric upset yet i still can tahan till 5 plus then reached home.. Hahaha.. Brother asked me to go home and rest.. Yet in the end, i choose to stay out for the movie. Hahaha.. I puked out all my dinner.. =x OMG!!! Erm.. i never drink at all lor.. haiz.. Ended up Sunday, i was on high fever.. Hahaha.. Monday, bo bian go work.. LL hor..

Erm.. Sad arh... My work recently not that good.. Sian.. Maybe i lost favour le.. hahaa.. guess my boss dislike me to the core.. haiz.. sian.. hopefully i can work well in the other project now.. and get a better grade.. hahaa.. maybe i am a bit greedy, i wished to get a 2 and promote next year.. Hahaha.. guess no chance le.. should be the girl who is coming back from aus have a chance to promote ba.. sad hor... study until now i still haven graduate.. work hard liming!!!! die die also must pass this time round..

As for love life, i am still single.. hahahaa.. teach me leh.. how to find the correct one.. =x

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