Friday, January 29, 2010

How have i been recently

Erm.. Recently been busy with studies and work. Hahaah... Sad hor.. this year cny cum vday.. nobody accompany me to celebrate my vday..

Today very funny.. i was trying to check my air ticket to bkk.. Therefore,i need to go out and send email.. keekekekee.. =D Uncle came in wor.. lol.. =D he saw me go to job website.. hahaha.. sometimes is happy to see uncle.. he very nice.. but there are times his face very black. Consider he is approachable.. he asked me.. really got so bad that cannot tahan until june.. Actually hor.. i also dunno whether i will change my job or not. But at the current moment, guess all of us are very tired.. tat's why we keep saying we wants to change of environment.. seriously now still not as bad as wat i had in my ex-company..

Monday, January 11, 2010


Haha.. Surprisingly, this year i head my friends advice. haha.. I trying to keep myself from eating that often and cut down on my intake.. haha.. is time to control my appetite. 自甘堕落了那么久,应该觉悟了吧!糊里糊涂得过了大半辈子,我真的还要这样的过下去吗? haha.. recently, Light challenge me.. haha.. I told him i am on diet.. haha... he gave me one year plus he said i confirm cannot make it. these few years, korkor nagging.. my gd pals challenge.. even my close friend also left me.. my poly friends saying.. haha.. i still did not do anything towards till everyone also give up on me.. now suddenly someone challenge me again.. if i still dun do anything hor.. i think i am hopeless.. Now i need to prove to myself that i am not hopeless.. If i have the determination, i can do something towards it. No matter is bcos of my happiness or wat. I believe this will help out in my health. As my health started to give me warning that my heart getting weaker le.. still dun do anything hor... guess one day, i will be lying at the operation table waiting for heart transplant le..

Being very stupid... i went to visit fortune teller last weekend.. wahaha.. :P That lady was telling me.. someone is going after u, right? i said no.. haha.. i am still single.. she said my fate will fly from oversea.. haha.. do u mean him? haha.. i no longer contact with him le.. Guess he already got married le.. My cousin asked me a stupid question on xmas eve. If he is back, will u still wants to get back with him. I said "No". He will no longer be the person who i like/love at that time. So many years had gone, maybe i haven changed or maybe i bcome worst. More childish, more petty, look worst.. haha.. But definitely he will change.. in the first place, he already more mature than me.. Something which i dun willingly to let go is, he taught me to become more mature than i am, learning to be more independent, dun always be a crybaby. I just miss those stupid periods.. haha.. someone pamper me and someone who will always be there for me. but when something bad happens on him.. he will never need me to be at his side. Haha.. maybe i can conclude that when min is down, friends are ard her. But when her friends are down, she is unreachable or not contactable. Tat's why pple leave her. And now she is trying hard to recoup the loses.

As for career wise, she said i had the thinking of quitting. Haha.. I did have the tot of leaving and runaway from things. This is something i am very capable. Running away is also the way which i wants when things turn upside down. Haha.. But she said at the current environment, i am not that stress and not that worst. But of cos there are always downfall. Overall, here is still not so bad. Hahaha.. I agreed, here of cos not as bad as my previous company. I been thru so many hardship there le, while here a little bit, i already feel like giving up. So TIMID!! haha.. :D Mainly bcos of my gd friends are over there. They are my motivation to work, they will be there with me. Haha.. :P while here, i dun really had a lot of friends ba..
haha.. Sometimes my ex-colleagues will meet up with me for lunches or dinner.. I feel that i am not forgotten.. Hahaa.. Going back to my ex-company? Hahaa.. Unless my director offers me to go back. Otherwise i doubt, i will go back ba. So ma lu, walked one big round, still goes back there. Furthermore, there used to be hell for me and i grumble so much lor.. :P

Min, Jia you.. No matter how hard is it, friends will stand by you. Hahaha.. That was what one of my friends told me.. :P

kekekee.. :D

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy New Year~~

kekee..谢谢你... =) 你放开了我.. =p 我也希望我可以慢慢的放开了你。。 也希望新的一年我也可以找到一个疼我,爱我的男人。。 =)