Tuesday, February 16, 2010

love? like? old feelings?

dunno why today mood jus feeling not good.. maybe recently happened too many things and too sudden.. ytd i had a dream that i met him and he introduce me his gf to me. Izzit bcos i still couldn't forget about him? Am i really so stubborn? Or he really hurts me so badly? Or i am just so crazy about him? or i just being emo?

ytd i went out with someone after i came back from my auntie's house. Haha.. somehow, i dunno why.. i gt feelings towards him.. when looking at him.. question starts to float in my mind. Is he the correct one? or only one sided? or ?? my mind just went haywire.. haha.. he said my face looks very sad.. cny saw my face also sian.. haha.. maybe bcos of the past, i will think carefully before i stepped into a new relationship? i met my neighbours at macdonald. Opps, guess everyone will think that he is my bf. Erm.. before he went to meet his friends, he just mumble something but i really dunno what he is trying to said. i.............. haiz....

work... recently been really too stressed up for me.. and studies really forcing me quite badly.. hopefully after this wk, i will feel better...

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