Sunday, December 02, 2012


Somehow recently i feel very sian, maybe human relationship is something which i am poor at it. Dealing with friendship, my own relationship doesn't seems to work at all. Somehow, i miss her because she understand me very well. But the problem is we cannot be together. Together with her, i can eat and drink, just go very crazy.. i also dunno how to explain wat is between her. haiz~ as for another group of friends, i also dunno how to said it. To be frank, i don't like people to doubt me? or maybe i got a very temper when i am sick. Hahaha.. I also dunno.. somehow i can forget it? hahahaa.. these few days , i do miss my "sisters" but somehow i know this is wrong. Under so much pressure now, without him around me, i feel helpless but i believe i can make it through it. As for work wise, somehow i very sian. When i am push to a corner, don't come and try to ask something. cos my mind is i want to complete my stuffs, the rest of things, i dun even want to be bother or do it. =x Cruel or cold?? But this is no choice,if i dun finished my stuffs, how am i going to explain it? haiz..... very sian~~ is it time for me to change a job to start everything fresh or ????? as for relationship wise, is really a big question mark... i dun even know how to fill in the answer....

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