Monday, September 18, 2006

erm.. dunno when.. my life start to get happening again.. dunno when.. i start to have the feeling tat is time to forget him.. dunno when.. i think i am getting on with me.. but guess i had for someone who i can't fall with.. or... maybe is a crush.. this kind of feeling will fade away very easily?

guess three weeks ago.. my life is revolving between work and still work.. currently i am back to the state tat on my desk, i am being piled up with tons and tons of work plus i had to deal with a two months backlog which was being accumlated before i took over from someone else. Guess from there onwards, my life had been really terrible and sad with these pile of work.. sigh~~ when can this all end? can i leave when contract ends? or whether i will renew? last time korkor kept complaining that it had been quite a while when i meet up with him.. is it bcos of this job, i lose this friend or bcos i dun make the effort to meet up with him? but i guess alot of pple i haven't meet up with or catch up with.. if pple ard me should understand well how my work does an impact to my social life. just like when my friend want to borrow a cd from me, she took months and months just to take the cd from me. And whenever she meet up with me for dinner.. she will be waiting for me at the mrt station for more than half an hour. guess almost everyone knew that i am a super workalcholic during weekdays and when it comes to weekend, sometimes i might be too lazy to go out and rot at hm for two days.. usually weekend is very short.. just to let my friends know.. my working hours had been hitting 16 hours a day which is causing me to lose contact with you all.. hopefully, you all will be able to forgive me for tat part..

More on my work.. When i start to join this company, they are in testing phase. And when it is moving towards production. Stuffs get harder and tougher, sort of like standby make sure things won't go wrong at the very last min when it is going to be on live.. As for now, being live, doesn't make me feel proud of anything due to i gt to do something which is very different with wat i does half year ago. Therefore, a big changes had come to life, furthermore i am dealing with live, if anything goes wrong i will have to responsible for it. Dun dare to deny, taking up this job i feel so stress that i burst into tears when i first took over from the guy. Do you know how tuff i feel?? I went to office at 9.30 and i left office at 3am in the morning.. hw i feel during the weekend? terrible till i dun feel like going anywhere, just to rot at home..

as for the last 3 weekend, once or twice in a week, i had been working for more than 12 hours.. it lead to my health a bit haywire.. furthermore, my boss tender.. i feel more stress.. cos i might land up with be the only to do support for 200 plus of reports which i dun even know the details for it.. sob sob.. ~~~ hopefully me and tat new guy can work out a way but we are doing different stuffs. As for datastage is a totally new program that i learn.. i dun even know how to debug, guess i am stuggling to survive in the swimming pool.. and complaning to my colleagues.. Normally, i won't be the only one to be in office till tat late.. always got one female colleague accompany... sometimes we did something funny is to call mac delivery at late nite.. hahaa.. :P

conclusion for last 3 weeks..
1) watched two movies - Devil wear prada with nanny.
John Tucker must die with yy, g, ant
2) Merchant court high tea with my poly friend
3) Agite and Thai Express with my colleagues
4) Bintain Trip with my ex-team mates.. hahaha.. i think i almost drunk.. imagine..
wednesday, i work till 3.. thursday, i work till 2.. and friday, i slept at 1 plus.. and sat, i woke up at 6.. i fell asleep on the sofa in bintain.. and sun, i woke up at 6 to catch the first ferry to come back to sg.. shag week~~~
5) A vegetarian restuarant - team lunch (is free~~~)

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