Friday, February 16, 2007

hahaa.. it had been quite a long never do any blogging.. didn't really want to blog anymore.. feel a bit sian.. or maybe gt a bit irritated.. hahaaa..

something happy to share out.. nanny gt a gf le.. hahaa.. happy for him.. but feel a bit sad also.. next time nobody hear my complain abt my idiotic boss.. nobody accompany me to watch movie.. nobody to celebrate my birthday with me.. sigh~~ is nanny really tat impt to me? or nanny really tat gd.. hahahaa.. but i learnt my lesson from tian tian there.. guess is time to be apart with nanny le... byebye nanny..

tian tian also a gd friend of mine.. encourages me when i am down.. motivate me to studies.. somemore give me morning call during examination period.. kekeek.... i like to bully him.. always treat him like girl.. but ended up ..... . therefore.. i tend to stay a distance from pple when etc......

nwadays encounter some funny stuffs.. or maybe i should said i am too petty.. or maybe i too kpo.. when someone who i treated as gd friends..or so called we know for abt 8 years or so called.. we had been buddies.. i dun like the feeling that telling me things halfway.. i will just keep on guessing wat is happening. if maybe someone who i dunno tat well or tat long.. then i dun even bother to ask. in the end.. the reply i gt was is secret. i really feel disappointed.. maybe we didn't built up a trust before the friendship started. mayb there is starting to have a gap between us le.

didn't really met up with korkor nowadays... korkor asks me out but most of times are when like i need to run weekend jobs or monitor jobs at hm.. gosh~~ guess he will stop asking me out soon.. sigh~~ guess i am losing more and more friends le..

nowadays tend to hangout with colleagues, poly friends and primary school friends..
hahaa.. most of them are like i did not met them for more than 10 years.. just feel tat those kind of moments.. hahaa.. ed left aus for studies before he left sg.. he reprimanded me for not attending the primary school gathering, i fly aeroplane and i am late.. hopefully when he is back.. i had already changed for the better..

places that i went for the past one month..

-pasir panjang for seafood
-international building ktv x 2
-ortram ktv
-ang mo kio steamboat
-surprising.. no movies..
-shopping.. shopping.. shopping..
-sun with moon. yipee.. my favourite place..
-ichiban sushi..
-manhatten ... yipee.. i prefer manhatten rather than fish and co


erm.. maybe i had something harsh on the previous post.. just tat sometimes i rather dunno anything and continue it... rather than hearing things hear and there to keep my mind keep whirling wat happened.. seriously i dun like pple to said things halfway.. but i, myself always do tat often...

guess maybe bcos stuffs in office that keeps me away ba.. office are full of politics which is like u will never know when u will step on mines and when it will explore. therefore i rather dunno know things or hear stuffs.. i am deaf... so.. maybe next time when someone talked to me... tell me something i know..rather than i know.. for k.. i still wish to know wat happened that makes us tat apart.. rather than u hurt me once deeply.. rather than let me keep guessing.. which hurts me deeper than ever..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liew, still can mah....once in a while. :P