Friday, June 22, 2007

~~short break~~

Hahaa.. i just came back from berjaya hill where i though i had cleared all my tots.. i tot i had forgotten abt him at there.. although is a very short trip, it is very refreshing~~ it is totally different from genting.. looks like a old british cottage... Seems like i am bad to my own fairytale land again.. where nobody can find me.. although i on my phone, neither did i send any messages nor reply any messages.. hahaa.. i wondering hw can stuffs continue in this way? over there i feel so relax, imagine i can fall asleep at 8 plus and slept all the way through morning.. piggy sia~~~ Before i left there, i tot i had cleared my tots where i had forgotten about him..

Monday, i went for meeting.. Haiz~~ no longer got allowances for OT, now become reimbursement, this makes me even more sian to stay in the office till late night anymore. Left office around 7plus, while i took more than 1 hours to reach home. Actually i got the urge to flag a cab but in the end the bus was here before i board a cab. Maybe this is fate, i need to save up for my trip. I might be leaving in SG early Oct for a longer trip than genting nor thailand. It will depends on how many days i can take.

Tuesday, had a terrible backache but i still manage to struggle back to work. While this time round is quite bad cos i had to apply the medicine every few hours and had painkillers to relieve the pain. opps.. i still went to cartel for lunch with my colleagues, while at night we went to gelare for waffle.

Wednesday and Thursday, i am on mc for two days. While i need to work for these two days. Haiz~ Mum mention about my wound that i hide away.. hai~~~ Let me think of him again for the past two days~~ Min arh~~ dun be so childish lah, put sick on your nick just because you want to gain attention from him. Wahahaa.. PLS.. IT WILL NOT WORKS ANYMORE~~ dun be silly le can? Hahaa.. While i had chatted with second korkor at nite.. again.. i had my old nanny story again.. He said aiyah~~ why u still haven forget about him again.. u arh~~~ haiz~~~ See lah.. Lastime L treats you so good.. you dun want lah~~ Opps.. Maybe if the story can start again, i should sticks with L? Maybe i will be happier than now..Haiz~~ why i got so many "Maybe"? I really don't know, maybe i still don't know what is the answer, that's why i still feel so hurt..

My hk trip will be postpone.. Sadist~~~ no gals friends accompany me to hk.. even though i can find guy friends to accompany me to go.. haiz~~~ no choice.. mum said CANNOT~~~ so.. i ... haiz~~ change it to genting.. Can anyone accompany me to go.. I want GIRLS/WOMAN~~~!!~!!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!!~!~!~ My guy good friends will accompany me to go also.. So now i need to find GIRLS/WOMAN~~!!~~!!!!!!~!~!~!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Haha,或许我比较”天真”吧,我相信每对恋人都希望有如王子和公主般浪漫动人的爱情故事,可是现实生活中又有多少人会这么幸福呢?两个人在一起其实并不复杂,信任和包容是其中重要的元素. 要找到真爱并不容易,能和自己深爱的人携手共渡下半辈子是一种幸福, 所以要好好珍惜眼前人!

hahaa.. got it from a blog... i used to think love is like a fairytale story, always keen that i will have my own fairytale story.. but it doesn't seems to be.. or maybe i should said fairytale dun really appear that often...

last weekend, i went out with my buddies to sentosa.. of cos i am late due to i need to work in the afternoon.. after tat, i went hm for a bath before going down to meet them at vivocity.. AGAIN, we went down to cafe de mal again.. omg~~~ we went there again.. AGAIN~~ we spent quite a lot on drinking again.. but this time round, we had a second round... Hahahaa.. Banana went back early, while me and my two brothers continue to Clarke quay.. We had been strolling for a very long time to find a place to drink.. Well~~ we didn't really want to go club cos was pretty ex.. Ended, we sit outside double O~~ hahaa.. is tat the end of the story~~ well~~ we went to mac to have supper... the end???

Iguana~~~~~ we order 9 shots, 3 for each of us... But beforehand, we had already got 3 shots at cafe de mal plus 1 jug of vodka lime.. omg~~~~~~~ Well the 3 shots didn't really knock us out... We contiune to order shots again~~ hahaha.. but this time round is the last order.. In end, brother foot the bill and we went to sit down at the riverside.. hahaa.. talking nonesenes... wat nonesense.. Of cos.. is how i feel the week before.. hw siao am i lah... and etc.... of cos wat brother will said is.. aiya.. forget abt it.. u want me to introduce u guys.. hahahaaa.. :x

well... love life to me whether will it be a empty one or like a roller coaster.. guess no longer impt to me.. at least at this point of moment, i know i got a good bunch of friends ard me... hahaa.. just that sometimes i seldom share my secrets out mah.. just laugh thru my way.. the only time will talk.. maybe is when i talk to ex-jie fu.. where i can complain and cried as much as i want.. hahaa.. tat was in the past.. .

thanx my friends ~~~ u all had been giving me the support to struggle through with this shitty job.. hopefully i can use this method to struggle through my relationship life... hahahaa... :P

i am looking forward for the next drinking session with u all.. .wahahahahaha..

as to my friends.. i hope everyone of us will find our truth love soon... and to those who found.. congra.. i hope to attend your wedding wor.. :P

Monday, June 11, 2007

~~just another weekend~~

Hahaha.. i dunno what to post.. maybe i will post my story out again.. the ending of the story which i had been keep repeating for the past 5 years but dun worry the story is coming to the end le~~~

Below are just some snapshots which i went for the last two weekends~~ Maybe must cut down le.. Otherwise pocket going bankrupt soon le~~ Feeling pain sia~~ Why should i torture myself in this manner?? I dun want his sympathy, i want to learn to be independent.. without him i can still survive.. haha.. but when dear saw the pics.. he will kill me.. maybe he will know why i never reply his msg for the past few days.. opps.. :x

Some sunset photos that i took during BBQ and last weekend when i went sentosa with my buddies.. sigh~~ kana sunburn.. so painful.. but guess the wound is much more better than my wound deep inside me.. argh~~~ i told myself not to mention it anymore~~

Botanic Garden~~

My favourite ice-cream at liang court.. yummy~~~ hehee.. tried the jap food at the central~~ also not bad plus budget.. haha..

Green tea red bean & Lychee sorbet

Supper at coffee club~~

Opps.. Nothing is leftover le.. :P

A view from my Office.. Hahaha.. Guess where is it ba..

Somewhere in Singapore

Something that keep me accompany in office~~

Won it at Plaza Singapura

Erm.. just some memories that are happened long long ago before i met xXXXx.. Hahahaa.. Times files so fast.. both of them had already left me.. one already get married le.. while the other one leh?? Hahaha.. i dunno leh.. Someone did ask me did i ever regret? I did regret.. why i crossed over the grey line which will bomb anything.. In the end, i am the one who get hurt and couldn't let it down.. Maybe things happened in this way.. When u are the one who suggested to be seperate, you won't feel the pain.. But if is the other way, you will try to find your means to proof to him/her that without him/her.. u will still lead a better life than each other? But don't you think you hurting yourself in the same time? This would not solve the problem but only make it worst.. think carefully before you really heading for revenge and proof that you are right~~

Seashells that he accompanied me to pick up~~~

Nike bag

Bought it during warehouse sale~~