Friday, June 22, 2007

~~short break~~

Hahaa.. i just came back from berjaya hill where i though i had cleared all my tots.. i tot i had forgotten abt him at there.. although is a very short trip, it is very refreshing~~ it is totally different from genting.. looks like a old british cottage... Seems like i am bad to my own fairytale land again.. where nobody can find me.. although i on my phone, neither did i send any messages nor reply any messages.. hahaa.. i wondering hw can stuffs continue in this way? over there i feel so relax, imagine i can fall asleep at 8 plus and slept all the way through morning.. piggy sia~~~ Before i left there, i tot i had cleared my tots where i had forgotten about him..

Monday, i went for meeting.. Haiz~~ no longer got allowances for OT, now become reimbursement, this makes me even more sian to stay in the office till late night anymore. Left office around 7plus, while i took more than 1 hours to reach home. Actually i got the urge to flag a cab but in the end the bus was here before i board a cab. Maybe this is fate, i need to save up for my trip. I might be leaving in SG early Oct for a longer trip than genting nor thailand. It will depends on how many days i can take.

Tuesday, had a terrible backache but i still manage to struggle back to work. While this time round is quite bad cos i had to apply the medicine every few hours and had painkillers to relieve the pain. opps.. i still went to cartel for lunch with my colleagues, while at night we went to gelare for waffle.

Wednesday and Thursday, i am on mc for two days. While i need to work for these two days. Haiz~ Mum mention about my wound that i hide away.. hai~~~ Let me think of him again for the past two days~~ Min arh~~ dun be so childish lah, put sick on your nick just because you want to gain attention from him. Wahahaa.. PLS.. IT WILL NOT WORKS ANYMORE~~ dun be silly le can? Hahaa.. While i had chatted with second korkor at nite.. again.. i had my old nanny story again.. He said aiyah~~ why u still haven forget about him again.. u arh~~~ haiz~~~ See lah.. Lastime L treats you so good.. you dun want lah~~ Opps.. Maybe if the story can start again, i should sticks with L? Maybe i will be happier than now..Haiz~~ why i got so many "Maybe"? I really don't know, maybe i still don't know what is the answer, that's why i still feel so hurt..

My hk trip will be postpone.. Sadist~~~ no gals friends accompany me to hk.. even though i can find guy friends to accompany me to go.. haiz~~~ no choice.. mum said CANNOT~~~ so.. i ... haiz~~ change it to genting.. Can anyone accompany me to go.. I want GIRLS/WOMAN~~~!!~!!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!!~!~!~ My guy good friends will accompany me to go also.. So now i need to find GIRLS/WOMAN~~!!~~!!!!!!~!~!~!!

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