Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back from a short trip

Hahaa.. i went for a short trip with my friends and mum.. Hahahaa.. maybe i should said i got a bully trip or so called.. just a gd memories trip.. but heart pain sia.. spent quite a lot of money.. damn.. those money cannot take back sia.. :P

First day journey :

Friends asked me to meet 6am at Bugis KFC. I told Gary, siao.. Who will go there so early? In the end, i told brother, i fall sick cannot go. But that was a joke, cause all the tickets are with me. Waahaha.. Wat if i really fall sick, i think i will kana whack until very jia lat just like that failure HK trip. Then he scold me, sob sob.. "You think is very funny arh." -_-'''

6am in the morning:

dog called me "Where are you guys? Don't tell me you just left home."
Me : "Nope, on the way."
dog: "Where?"
Me : "ECP" (but in the actual fact, i am still at home. waahahaa.. :P)

ring ring ring.. second call..
Brother : "Sis, where are you now?"
Me : "On the way."
Brother : "Jialat, i just wake up. How?"
Me : "Hahahaa.. We won't wait for you de wor.. :"
Brother : "I think i take a cab down. Bye."

G : "Where are you all now? I reached already."

Hahahaa.. Mr G been a very nice guy, he gave almost everyone a msg to wake us up. But i fell asleep only at 4am. Opps.. is like 1 hr away and i need to wake up. We reached there at 6.30am and all of us reached almost the same timing. We board the bus but the bus waited until 6.50 before it departed queen street.. On the way, i brought some biscuits and chips for all of us, just in case we feel hungry. Cos i remember that time when i went to the french village, i was so hungry on the way. Before we reached Singapore custom, it was raining heavily. Opps, it seems like not going to be a smooth journey. Around 9 plus, we reached yong peng for breakfast. All of us order claypot noodles except mum order yong tau fu. Hahaa.. After breakfast, all of us went in to the shop and get chewing gums plus tou shang ping. omg~~~ i had been eating that for the past few days~~ getting sick and tired about it. of course on the journey up the mountain was damn tiring, i did sleep for a while. But my eyes was on the guy sitting in front of me with his gf/wife. Why i keep looking at him? Bcos i think that he looks like k. Omg~~ maybe it had been a long time that i ever met k. I still remember last time, i told him i like guys who have rosy cheeks. After one whole day of army, he was damn shag and he took a pic of himself and send it to me. Haha.. A rosy cheek shag guy.. Hahaha.. Seriously maybe there is no meanings about the pic, i also don't know when i landed in that kind of relationship where there is only friendship exists. In short, it means no ending. Even it had an ending, the ending will not be what a childish kid wants. Seriously, i can't control myself to stop thinking about him and stuffs that we had gone thru.

Yeah~~ Here we reached genting, it was raining heavily. This is the first time that i stayed in Resort Hotel after so many years ago. Therefore we took sometime to locate where the hotel is. When we reached there, we were all so hungry. Imagine five hungry people eating tou sau ping at the hotel lobby while waiting to check in. If i didn't remember wrongly, the queue number was 1067. Haha.. I am a bit surprise that my friends will request connected rooms. Haha.. I thought they wants more privacy.. The receptionist mange to get us a connected room located at level 12. The rooms were just newly renovated. One room is with king size bed, while the other one is with 2 super single beds. Hahaha.. They choose the 2 super single beds, while i had the king size bed. I will post out the hotel room pictures soon.. We had KFC for lunch, i tried the chicken with rice.. Yucks, i hate it.. After that we went to casino, haha... stuck there for quite a while before we headed for dinner. We had dinner at resort hotel there, brother treated us for dinner.. Yummy~~~ i like the crispy chicken--> bagus. The rest of the dishes were 1 plate of vege, 1 plate of tofu and 1 plate of butter prawns~~ the tofu is nice too.. Actually almost all of them are good except the prawns which are not really very fresh.. After dinner, we went shopping while mum went casino. Maybe that is when Joyce saw me at genting. She was asking me on msn last nite. Opps. I did not only went with the guys, my mum was there too just that we headed different ways but DEFINITELY we will have dinner together and go back to hotel room. After shopping, we went coffee bean for coffee.. Wahaha.. Of cos, the coffee was damn big cup lor. The sales assistant offer me to get a regular since is only 1RINGGET more. Opps.. It was really a very big cup lor.. Haha.. I asked that two guys go in to help me find my mum.. I am really tired.. Ended up, they go in and played.. Hai~~ gone case sia~~~ Ard 12, we headed back to hotel rooms.

BTW, we had been playing catching when we were in casino. Brother cannot entered casino cos he was wearing shorts. While me and g went to find them at hotel room and charge my hp. Cos my hp was low batt. Hahaha.. I saw bulldog msg me, where are you all? I replied him le then he told me he is with my mum. Therefore it makes the search easier cos i know where my mum is.

Second day~~~

knock knock~~ wake up~~ we going out after bathing... We had breakfast at the bakery shop at Genting Highland. Wahaha.. This is the first time i had my meals there, the nasi lemak there, not bad lah.. But a bit ex sia~~ After breakfast, my mum went to casino. While we go to theme park. Hahaha.. They being very gentleman, accompany me to 4D magix. Hahaha.. Bulldog said u make sure u dun vomit after it. argh~~ that one i still can take it lah.. :P BUT i almost fall down before i enter. Why arh?? i also dunno.. After the show, we bought the tickets for die hard 4.0. Actually we wanted to catch it the day before but tickets were almost fully sold hard. I wanted to try OSIM chair seats but brother said don't want. Then ok lor, we all took the normal seats.

Time for theme park~~

Before entering the theme park, i am very excited cos it had been a very long time that i had entered theme park. But i went in only played go kart~~~ They said i waste money~~ Why i never played roller coaster with them? The last time that i ever played roller coaster was when i went escape with carina and peggy they all. It had been ages le, i scare i can't take it. Hahaha.. :P While sitting at one corner, i am thinking about him again. Finding ways to forget him. They actually wanted me to play the second round of roller coaster with them but too bad.. they were closed for lunch or was raining heavily. Wahaha.. :x

We head back to room for some snacks and went to casino for a while. Around 4pm, daddy called me. Mum was back in the room, you don't need to find her. Ok lor, i took two jackets with me.. feel like an idiot sia.. I went to watch Die Hard 4.0. If you like action pact movie, this is a MUST for you to watch. I like the movie, is damn good. After movie, bulldog went for flying. Brother asked me why i don't want to play. I gave him a stop reason. "No Money" But in actual fact is i hurt my back damn bad during these few years. Doctor even suggest me to go for x-ray cos my teridon got inflammation. He said i can't go for long journey rides or carry too heavy stuffs. Therefore i had been avoiding it. But till now i still haven go for x-ray, now i still under medication. Mum treated us for dinner. Yummy~~ they dinner was good too~~ I like the steamed fish~~ bagus~~~~~

Third Day~~
We went to genting highland for breakfast... 25.30Ringgit per person.. The food was ok lah.. Don't ever tried a black color chocolate ball. cos brother said that was the most disgusting stuff he ever ate in his life....

Overall, i really enjoyed during the trip. Thanks pals..

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