Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Liming~~

Heheee.. thanks to all friends~~ i really love my birthday celebration.. nt as grand as having party at hotel nor anything that is happening~~ but i really enjoy my birthday a lot~~

hehee.. my gd friend.. give me a very big surprise~~ really shocked that she is going to be the first one to celebrate birhday with me~~ and the first place where i celebrate birthday~~ is at IRAS.. haiz~~ sad~~ but really very thankful for what she and her bf did for me~~ hahaa.. fulfill one of my wishes le~~ hahahaa... and she knows wat mind thinking ba~~ i wanted a swaroski crystal starfish~~ hahaa..but she gave me a very sweet heart and a cake~~ a memorable birthday at iras..

a few hours later~~ i had a small celebration in office~~ seriously i am quite surprised~~ to me~~ i think all of them forget my birthday le~~ hahaa.. dun even asked me wat i wants~~ hahaa.. sad :( but indeed i got a surprise after talking to my big boss.. my closest colleagues~~ they all purposely go down to PS to buy me a mango cake~~ hahaa.. which is my favourite~~ guess they know that due to my long hours of working life for these few weeks make me very shag~~ they bought me masks~~ nail arts~~ and hand lotion~~ hahaa.. nowadays am i really that shag~~ i just bought 6 pieces of mask from O2 during office bazzar~~ opss~~~~~

a few hours later~~ i went back home for a while~~ while waiting for da jie they all~~ hahaa.. i a bit knocked out le~~ i am very tired~~~ i knocked out at daddy's van~~ and overslept~~ till mummy wake me up~~ wei~~~ wake up le~~ hahaa.. can understand how shag am i nowadays~~~~ hahaa.. we walked ard clarke quay looking for a restaurant due to i am late~~~ oppss~~ really sorry~~ but that day i really very shag~~ maybe work nowadays giving me a lot of pressure~~ everyone pressing me very hard~~ here there a got a hole~~ and need to fill up the hole~~ one person need to help in maintaining production and i need to help out in development side also~~ although i am nt very strong in the area i am in now, i trying my best to maintain it~~ hopefully neither one side will collapse~~ although my peak is over, nowadays got a lot of bosses want this and want tat from em~~ makes me.. -_-''' But thanks to da jie they all.. hahaa.. they know i very shag~~ we left ard 1 plus~~ and i only drink one shot.. hahaa... with brothers they all.. i drink so much~~ but now.. ever since ms.. i had quit drinking le~~ hahaa.. believe? up to u all ba~~~

da jie said i dun really look happy on that day~~ hahaa. i dunno.. on the way back hm.. when i am alone in the cab~~ my mind is thinking of someone.. haha.. someone who never celebrate my birthday with me~~ he gave me a lot of empty promises.. or i force him to give me~~ hahaa.. he haven get out of my mind? haha.. i dunno.. just suddenly miss my mashi maro so much~~ hahaa.. i no longer will have it~~ just a call from u telling me happy birthday~~ i will feel so glad~~ or i lose my smile bcos of u.. haha.. or da jie can read my mind le~~~

tat day my primary school friend purposely call frm australia just to wish me happy birthday~~ hahaa.. really very surprised~~ i tot is who.. or those pple playing spam calls again~~ hahaa.. at a point of thinking.. i still tot is u.. hhehee.. guess i worked until i crazy le~~~ although is a simple greeting, i really very happy le~~ cos he never forget me even though he is at australia studying now~~ hahaa.. so sincere~~~~ :P i never even call to aust to wish him happy birthday~~ hahaa.. faster come back and let me bully ba~~~~

my fourth celebration was with my grp of buddies~~ hahaa.. indeed very screw up~ but i am nt very happy that my friend who had the same birthday keep pushing the blame to me~~ saying the poor organising skill.. WTH~~ he cannot do his part~~ the celebration is nt only meant for me~~~ yet i had to prepare everything~~ i also very busy~~ but i make an effort to maintain the friendship between everyone and keep the gathering.. what he do is wat.. ordering me to do things~ @#$@#$!@#@!@#!@!@!@! ATTITUDE~~ i didn't really want to entertain him that much~~ hahaa.. i keep playing with my grp of gd friends.. wahahaaa.. who cares~~ is a celebration of my birthday also~~ hahaa.. dun jealous lah~~ i am close with my buddies.. lol....

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