Thursday, October 11, 2007


hahaa~~ drag for so long~~ i finally went to see doctor and request to go for x-ray~~ when i see doctor~~ she asked me, "How long is your backache?". Erm~~ Starting from July onwards, hahaa.... july, august, sept and now OCTOBER~ i will send u for x-ray~ does your backache affecting your leg~~ erm~~ last week i did feel a sharp pain down my leg~~ but not long after tat, i went to see a doctor who i had been visiting for the past few months~ to be frank, not long before my peak period, he had already written a referral letter for me to go and see doctor for x-ray. But due to hectic work schedule, i choose not to go see doctor and ignore it~ As time passes, it hurt that badly.. plus mummy every nite got to help me apply medical oil~ haiz~~ time to know wat is going to be the outcome~~

tmd~~~ why this year i am damn unlucky~~ ear recovered~~ now back~~~ starting of the year, i went to changi hospital to see specialist~~~ now~~ need to go for x-ray~~ hopefully~~ it will not be very serious~~ just have to take some medicine.. or do physiotherapy.. the worst case is to admit to A&E immediately and do operation ASAP. BUT i dun think that will happen to me, my case is not that jialat yet~~ :)

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