Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Erm~~ for the past few weeks~~ i watched a few movies~~~

1) halloween~~
2) lust Caution
3) Saw 4
4) Stardust
5) Balls of fury or dunno wat lah~~
6) Mr Woodpecker..

hahaa~~~~ speechless for all movies~~ guess i will prefer the last two movies~~~ i watched late nite movies for stardust and lust caution~~ yawning all the way~~ while stardust is like laughing all the way~~~

i met my buddies them at last sat~~ seriously i am afarid that i cannot get along well with his friend~~ but still ok lah~~ not too bad? we might be planning to go batam together? does it consider ok? erm~~ k always said me~~ u arh~~ always look on the floor as if they gt gold on it~~ haiz~~trying to overcome my shyness? hahaha.. guess my da jie going to puke~~ but that is the fact mah~~~ unless i took a bit of alcohol~~ haha~~

last sat~~ i went clubbing~~ omg~~~ the first time i met someone who i knoes there~~ i was stunned~~ actually at first i didn't even bother.. cos so dark inside.. who cares~~ haha~~ when i come out~~ he met me outside too~~ opps~~~ he called me~~ i was like so stunned~~~ i was like -_-''' hahaa.. we exchanged number~~ hahahaa.. he asked me a few questions.. hahaha~~ i told him~~ u are drunk~~ i very paiseh to meet him again sia~~~ luckily i never go back home with him together~~ -_-''' my buddies were like asking me who is him?? hw come u so friend friend with him~~ the problem is~~ i dun really know him very well~~ but we made a promise to each other~~ dun said that we met each other on that day~~ hahaa~~~ hopefully i will nt meet him tat fast again~~ hahaa~~ tat is not my fate right~~ hahaahahaa

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