Sunday, December 30, 2007


nowadays never been blog anything at all~~ can't deny~~~ life been quite gd~~ but.. dunno is ever since wat i heard from pple causes me to drift apart from a friend.. or i start to..... hahaha.. i might or i did.. or i said the wrong thing that causes a breakup of a couple? or so called i am good at it?

seriously.. i had friends that relationship is much more complex than me.. yet i always support her.. hahaha.. min arh min.. u siao le mah? how can u do tat.. guess u bcome abnormal..

why u can except this yet not that? or bcos of other pple comments tat causes u to change your mindset again and again?

hahaa.. i always listen to korkor.. there is a time where i never listened to him.. yet tat time i have never listened to him.. i fell.. hahaa.. just now friends was mentioning abt the past that i had.. i just avoid the topic..

guess i am a bastard.. did i hurt nanny before? i dunno.. did i hurt him yet i didn't know at all.. to be frank.. i know i hurt my parents quite bad on one night.. maybe that was the nite that they know i am still badly hurt inside me yet i never tell them at all..

korkor cursed me on tat day when i can't meet him up~~ i never be with him when he needs me.. there was a time that i need someone to be with me.. he came down and be with me~~ hear me cried.. before he left.. he bought a pack of sweets and tell me.. Jia you.. dun give up.. study hard for exams.. maybe that time korkor was not with me.. accompanying me study at mac.. i might not have pass my o level.. i am still the little girl who will remember who treats me gd.. when pple treats me gd.. i tend to bcome very soft le... korkor.. i never forget those times that u be with me.. i know u might not want to see me again~ seriously i dun mind to see him again.. as long as i know he is happy and healthy.. i am ok le~~

someone.. hahaa.. he changes my life.. i cried for him? or i stand from the point of past that i was being pamper by him.. or so called i never cherish him before? he understands me more than anyone.. he said wat.. i listen wat.. i really feel happy for that point of moment although he is not there for me when i need him~~ said already mah.. min very easy de mah~~ as long as u treats me very gd.. min.. will ok de..

haahaha... nanny.. i met on the day after my cousin's pass away ba~~ he saw me drunk.. opps.. he is a very gd friend.. after most of the friends that i can talk to had slowly left me.. he bcome in.. when i know nanny.. someone haven really left me.. hahaa.. so called i also never cherish him.. he also gt his pretty shanghai girl mah.. why would he cares abt me so much.. all he did is... gd morning, min.. take care..

why leh? min very weak mah.. cannot take care of hereself mah? i admit lah.. i am weak.. when u are away for one month.. i cried most of the times.. jil is the one be with me.. then korkor hospitalised.. haha...

after so many years.. my friend told me i never changed at all.. jil said i changed le~~ guess i know y he said i changed le~~ i never cried that easily as in the past le~~ now i am much more stronger.. but i can said i lose a lot also during these few years..

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