Tuesday, December 11, 2007


hai~~ guess now most of them know the truth le~~ dun need to keep quiet le ba~~ erm~~ guess the only person who gt hurts the most is A.. This is wat she quote in her friendster~~ "一只手是拍不响的,两只才拍得响。人的心是 会变得,没有想过移情别恋的伤害,我也会尝 试到。最不可示意的是我一直别人骗。" seriously~~ i agree~~ she really got hurt very deeply~~ in a relationship~~ why pple always tend to said break that easily.. why they can't communicate? erm~~ is it so easily to give up someone who u had been for more than 3 years or reaching 3 years? does this guy deserve a chance to be trust~~ or am i having a very immature thinking? In reality, there is no such thing called fairy tale story~~ i know that this incident had hurt a few pple~~ hope everyone can grow from it and find a better future~~ while~~ i think i am being very evil~~ i know the incident yet i kept quiet all the while~~ cos i promise not to said to anyone~~~

hai~~ i talked to ant last sat~~~ i told him hw i felt~~ he said i should nt felt in this way~~ i told him i want to avoid gathering for a peroid of time~~ he said why? there is nothing wrong~~ but i know my quietness~~ had hurt two of my other buddies~~ i...... sometimes they are there for me~~ and look after me~~~ so~~~ haiz~~~ i really speechless.. min.. where is the trust for friendship? loyalty..

or am i standing at a point of being ditched~~ that's why i feel sad.. or my imagination getting haywire again? haiz`~ currently sometimes i got dear care~~~ can't deny~~ dear is making me to fall in love with him~~~ but hw long can this feeling last? i really dunno~~ i dun even know whether it can cover the pain i had inside which i had kept for almost 3 years? sometimes brothers they all will look after me also~~ they hear me grumble the same thing again and again~~ seriously.. i know i had much more stronger bond with them~~ rather the rest~~ haha~~~ i will not forget hw brother take care of me tat day till he almost want to puke blood~~~ i might not be the most xin fu person at the current moment~~ i know if i fell i might have no support like what i had in the past~~ yet i still slowly growing~~ i hope i will be growing stronger everyday~~ and let u go out of my mind~~ maybe all of us will be happier~~ u never hurt me before~~ is just that i am holding on to a past that is over~~ which i had the pain in me~~ cos i am nt the one who let go of the hand first~~ or so called we did not communicate well before we let go~~ tat's why causing one party to feel hurt~~~

haiz~~ hopes everything will go well for everyone~~ everyone will find their true love in the coming year~~ and hopes that this friendship bond that wil had will last another 10 years ba~~ althought now i can see a few cracks now~~` haiz~~

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