Sunday, March 30, 2008


Home-made yu sheng.. yummy~~~~

Home Made yu sheng

A newly opened Japanese Restaurant at City Hall.. Queue very long.. Food ok lah~~


opps.. The photos didn't turn out to be good.. Erm~~ i tried the softshell crab handroll and unagi steam rice not too bad~~

Tofu CheeseCake.. not too bad~~ cheaper than sun with moon.. but sun with moon is nicer..


Farewell lunch..


Wahaha.. Guess where is this place.. carousel at Royal Plaza Hotel.. Hehehee.. thanks to my colleagues~~ i will miss you all a lot~~ i had learnt a lot of stuffs from you all.. :)

Japanese Food

Dessert Corner


Tum Yum Soup......
Yummy~~~ :P

Western Food

Dessert... bagus~~

Chocolate Fondue


hehee.. very nice.. but too full~~ the grapes very sweet..


Sushi Tei

SoftShell Crab dunno wat roll..



Erm~~ this is the first time that i tried it.. not too bad~~ i quite like it~~

Fried Octopus


Iknura steam egg.. not too bad~~ but very ex leh..


Erm~~~ dunno wat fish with teriyaki sauce... nice nice... :P


Ended the meal with Phoenix roll...


Marche~~ At Vivo City

Salmon Rosti~~ hehe.. i love it~~

Mushroom & Ham Crepe.. Yummy~~

End the meal with a bottle of rootbeer.. :)

Dian Xiao Er at AMK Hub

Dunno wat meat.. wu hua rou.. if i didn't remember wrongly..Erm~~ not too bad~~ very soft.. but is fatty meat...



Mayo Prawns


Shi qu ka qa.. Yummy.. i love it.. :P bagus~~


End the meal with this dessert..


heng ku...

Chi de ku zhong ku.. fang wei ren shang ren.. :P

Manhatten Fish Market

I like the flaming prawns~~


Thai Express

Softshell Crab Tan Hoon.. Wahhaa.. this is one of my favourite at Thai Express


Green Curry Chicken


End the Meal with Tea with Gloria Jeans Coffee

New York Cheese Cake


Mocha Latte

Mingles at Novena Square

Erm~~ i dun really like the soup.. damn~~ i put a lot of pepper leh.. :(

Soup of broccoli

Cheese HotDogs with Rosti

Cheese Hotdog with rosti

Vines at Novena Square

Broccoli Soup

Pan-fried Salmon
Pan-Fried Salmon


hehe... vines food is not bad~~ i quite like it~~ hehe.. is a farewell lunch from my another group of colleagues~~ heheee.. wo ai si ni meng le.. :P

hehe.. next time then show zhen fa huo hai xian photos.. :P

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Such a Failure

Hahaha.. So called this week, i am on course for four days. But i prefer to do some work. lol.. :P

Today my friend was telling me, "Erm... Do you know how much does this course cost?" I was like 1k plus lor.. "No, it cost more than 3k.." WHAT!! No wonder my previous company dun want to send me to this course even though i requested or she knows that i will leave them? Feel pretty lucky that my boss still willing to send me to such a course, should i cherish the chance on just focus on my work instead on my own personal life.

Guess now i need to stop going out until my pay day come, otherwise i can declare bankrupt soon le.. Erm~~ how to go to my hongkong trip. Hopefully i can move everything to production before i take my leave, otherwise will be very paiseh leh.. Need my colleagues to cover me for that period of time.

Seriously as compare with the rest of my colleagues, i am like someone who justa graduate from school and don't know anything. Feel such a failure, guess i need to work double hard to make things work. But, i got something in mind.. Should i go study? If i go study, i had to control my expenses plus my personal life le. No more of going out often. No more of going to cafes.. I need to do a lot of sacrifice.. will i be handle my job well... furthermore i got limited leave in my current company.. i wondering can i cope with my studies and work well... well guess i will only think whether i am going to register my course or not till mid of April. see wat is the progress for my work first... Hahaa..i still remember that time i went for interview, the interviewer asked me whether i planned to further my studies or not.. my replied was yes, in june.. hahaa.. :P

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Eat, Sleep & Work

Erm.. i had start worked for 3 weeks already. If you asked me whether i had accept the challenges that are laid down for me in the future? My reply will be no. Seriously, i had been taking the first 3 weeks as my honeymoon period. I had to slowly adapt the environment over there. To people who knows me, you knows i am very talkactive and if u are good or close to me, i will just said watever i had in mind. I dun think much. If i am not happy, i will just show it or so called express it. Now i had a bad habit, is to stun there and mind totally blank out. Time to sped up to catch up my bullet train working style, no more playing a fool.

As for life or so called personal life, not much complaint. This week, i had met up with quite a number of people that i didn't manage to catch up with sometimes. I met up with my ex-colleagues, ah jie and my buddies plus my friend's brother. He is working in the same company as me. Pretty surprise...

I had been going back to previous company for sometimes after work to work for free. Guess that is not going to a very gd impression for either side of my company now. After finished tml task, i will cut down the time of going back. At most maybe meet up with my ex-colleagues for dinner ba~~ Previous wed and friday, i had stayed there till midnite. Friday's nite, i went out supper with my colleague and her husband for porridge near whampoa here. Prety not bad, we ordered 5 dishes. But her husband don't want to take money from me. I very paiseh, insists of returning the money to her. After that, i went to catch The leap years at The Cathay. Erm.. Guess that will be consider as a movie that can represent singapore. Is quite a touching movie, imagine that was sobbing for almost half of the movie. Why? Guess mainly because a lot of thoughts are floating in my mind. While the person who went to watch with me was laughing all the way. Guess she dun understand wat is the meaning of love. So i just purely ignore her. That's was pretty rude of me, right?

Min arh min.. Dun practically think that you had been thru a lot, then u can "zhi yi wei shi le." In truth, most of the time, you are just floating on top of the surface. You should be grateful that in life, you had a lot of guardian angel that once were with you or still with you. When you are down, there were some friends that you can turned to. Is just depending on whether you wants to open up yourself or not. There is still someone who willing to care for you. "Jiefu" was wat u used to call him. Althought he can't be with you most of times, he will still once in while asked how are you, still ok? anything goes wrong. jil.. thanks for being at my side for these few years. I told him i feel happy, no longer had that kind of down moments in life. I feel like i am in love le. What his reply to me was, "Are you serious? Think carefully, ok?" My reply to him was : "Why? scare i got hurt again?"

let me talk more abt my ubin trip on Good friday ba. I went pulau ubin with my cousins. It had changed a lot since in the past, min, is time to move on. When i reached there, the ferry terminal had changed. The only thing that remains unchange is the bumboat. Supposing gathering time was 12.30, late queen, as usual late but the organizer worst. His excuse was "Cannot find parking lots," diaoz~~ When we reached there, he was just behind us.

Organizer : "Let's go, they are waiting for us at the shop near the temple."
Us : "Ok, let's head down to there."
Organizer : "Erm.. Where is the temple arh?"
Us : "Just in front"

When we reached there and met up with the rest of pple. He was busy explaining why he was late and etc....

Organizer : "We wants to walk to chek jawa or take a van or cycle? Dun cycle lah, that time my friends come here and cycle, injure until very jialat andt etc... "

I am mumbling to my cousin,let's go to the information centre to get more info before we go to chek jawa. On the way walking there, i was telling her. "Omg, i wondering is this the first time that he come to pulau ubin or first time to chek jawa. More like first time to pulau ubin, he dun even knows where is the temple. Waste my money sia.."

Luckily, there were some pple agrees to cycle. So we managed to join the group of pple to cycle. Don't need to follow him.. :P There were a group of 10 of us wants to cycle but most of the bicycle shop had no bicycle for us. Luckily, we found one shop, just that need to pump air. My bike a bit weird weird, then a guy(lao da, for cycle grp) helped me tried out my bike. Hehe.. "No problem, just had to change the gear." We proceed on to cycle after that. You knows lah,over there a lot of slopes, furthermore min long time never do such an intensive exercise le. Alayws stay in office or at home slack, therefore going up the slopes, is consider as a very jialat thing to me. Then i was complaining to my cousin.. "Aiyah, jilat liao.. old le.. cannot go up le.." Lao da was ver encouraging sia.. "Jia you.." Erm.. you know lah.. i very shy de.. so i kept quiet all the way.. Even we had a gathering outside chek jawa, i was also very quiet, keep stick with my cousins. Didn't really talk much. Inside chek jawa, of cos, i keep very quiet, i didn't stay with them very long, let's them have time to communicate with one and another.. lol.. :P i stook outside the sun for quite a while, then brother called me for direction.. Told him, i was at pulau ubin, his reply "hahaa.. You must be kidding.." I cannot go there meh, maybe i am not such an active person ba.. lol.. :P I saw jellyfish.. First time outside underwater world wor.. Standing there very long looking the jellyfish and chatting with brother. Then all of them came, i actually dun want to take the grp photos.. but no choice, kana caught by the organizer.. After that, we walked to the coastal area, my elder cousin sprain her ankle. But she insisted she was ok, we just proceed on. We stopped at this big stone for quite a while for photo taking session where we were seperated from the big grp. 5 of us were together, 3 of us are cousins, 1 is lao da and another 1 is a girl who we knows her during the trip. hehe.. u knw my pattern, i dun want to be lightbulb.. i just keep walking walking.. they stopped, i stopped.. hehee.. we even screamed out when the flight took off... but lao dao said we never "fang dan qu hao" Erm.. guess bcos we very scared kana laugh by other pple ba.. :X Hehehe.. They took a lot of photos, in the meanwhile, i am complaining hw hungry am i. Due to i just had a packet of noodles at 11am.. then till 5pm.. still got nothing to eat.. Had to share my bread with my elder cousin.. so hungry.. :( had a chatted with lao da while we walking on the way. Then the 3 ladies just throw me in front talking with him.. Erm.. ok lah.. quite a nice guy.. We climbed up the tower, but i stopped halfway to catch my breath plus i a bit very scare cos the thing is shaking quite badly. Futhermore a lot of pple coming down... I paused for quite a while before i move up.. Finally finished up the whole trip in chek jawa, we was on the way going back to mainland. Those pple are taking van were waiting for this lady who is with us. Organizer : "A, why you so slow? We all waiting for you. The four of them going to cycle back.. " Haha.. A very paiseh.. :X On the way cycle back, very jialat, a lot of slope, i almost faint, almost wants to give up halfway, dun plan to continue anymore. But very paiseh, dun want so many pple to wait for me, move on lor.. struggle a bit.. saw the community centre, now become NEA duno wat..I was so thirsty that i struggling to cycle till i return the bike and buy mineral water.. ARGH~~ after i return the bike, we stopped there for while, then this organizer came forward.. He stopped me, said we going back mainland. Go there then buy.. No choice lor.. take water from my second elder cousin.. LL... Quite a big group of us, therefore we had to spilt for serveral boats. We finally reached mainland le, going hawker centre to look for seats.. ARGH~~ no seats.. I spotted a table, while my cousin spotted another table.. No choice, i had to sit seperate tables with them, otherwise i will have to throw A alone with all the guys. Kana suan by lao da during the dinner.. Wahaha.. :P Super dehydrate after coming back from pulau ubin.. Bought a lime juice during dinner and i went to buy another bottle of mineral water. Didn't really finish up my dinner, guess i drink more water than i take in carbonhydrates.. Seems like it is a good place for pple who wants to slim down. Took a bus to tampines, 6 pple took the ride. lao da, A and B plus 3 muskerteers.. A went for dinner at tampines foodcourt cos she was a vegeterian. While B joined us walking ard.. 5 of us went walking ard the pasam malam which i walked last week.. tm.. finally we go to century square foodcourt for drinks.. Lao da treats us drinks.. :P had a long chat till the uncle chase us out of the food court. Guess this is the first time that all of us had an experienced of being chased out from the food court.. I took train with them cos my second elder cousin said she wants to sing ktv.. Ok lor.. i didn't manage to get a seat to sit with them again~ i sit beside lao da.. and chat~~ haha.. had a really long chat.. till ard kembangan~~ my cousins asked me go over.. and decide whether hw lah~~ then a guy walked in the train, wanted to sit at my seat.. Lao da seems like telling that guy, this seat is being taken. I very paiseh.. faster cut down the talktime and walk back to my seat and contiune my conversation with him. I alight at city hall with my second elder cousin.. while my elder cousin, B and lao da contiune the journey.. home sweet home.. i heard my elder cousin said he stood up all the way back home and had a chat with them.. haha.... :P

Sat, i went to express pedicure... first time experience.. really like a tai tai life leh.. opps.. no wonder my bank going to extreme low now... jialat~~ hope i can tahan till pay comes.. cos this month i had been working for free.. no pay.. :(

sunday, suppose to meet da jie da they all for dinner. Cos it had been a long time that we ever met up with a friend. But i become pilot le, kana suan throughout the whole nite on msn.. Erm~~ is my fault.. so LL lor..

today i going back to my ex-company to help out again~~ hope this is the last time that i will be doing this for free.. otherwise either side of my company will be very piss off with me le..

Monday, March 17, 2008

mix feeling~~

i just dun want to think abt anything else... maybe i just need a break to walk on further.. hopefully everything will be fine~~ and let me move out of here.. seriously, now i feel like going oversea to work. Even is a short period of project, guess i will still take up and leave for a while..

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Brand New Start

This week, i had start my job at NCS. I can foresee that it is going to be very challenging as compare to my previous. Within the first three days of the job, i had attended two meetings, one and half hour and three hours respectively. Guess there is a lot of training ahead of my job here. My colleagues mainly are much more older than me, plus they are very experienced in IT line. While as for me, i feel that i am so little in front of them, just like a fresh graduate who just graduate and come out to society to work. Guess there will be a very steep learning curve in front of me.

First day of work, i reached my desk around 11 plus am. It is almost lunch hour. I met my project manager and my colleagues in the team. While two of them are my ex-colleagues which form part of my project. The rest are mainly doing different stuffs from me.. They are very nice pple, been asking me to join them for lunch everyday. so called, i dun have no kakis for lunch lah. I think i cannot compare my previous job and this job that often now. Otherwise, i might regret coming to here. Cos no friends here, a bit very lonely.. Mainly chat with my ex-colleagues thru mails or msn. No longer face to face chat. But one thing that currently i like it a lot, is that i can leave at 6.15 or sometimes on the dot. I wondering will this working style changed? Erm~~ seriously i am puzzled by one thing, why they want to employ me? I am not technically strong nor hardworking type.

Got to buck up a lot, i hope i can tahan till the end. Don't give up halfway, nobody going to support me le wor~~ min, is time to grow up.. look like a junior consultant not as a small kid anymore.. I got a lot more hardwork to put in and handle ..

On Monday and Wednesday, i went back to my previous company to help out. I did something stupid ytd, was to tell my project manager that i going back to my ex-company to help out or so called doing handover session. Opps.. I think i going to kana spot check soon.. aiya~~big mouth lah~~ eat lunch only, why should i talk so much abt ir... hhahaa.. guess i really dun use to this environment ba~~ give me sometime to accept the new changes. Just like sometime i am not used to picking up my best friend calls, ever since he stopped calling me. at first, i really feel dun get use to it but slowly, i am getting used to it. Erm.. If he is reading this, i hoped that he will understand, don't worry, i won't msn you.. haha.. or so called u can block me ba~~ otherwise u will be very jialat, always need to hide as offline mode. Cos i can use msn at work le.. not as if i am at my ex-company, where i am not allow to use msn.