Thursday, March 06, 2008

Brand New Start

This week, i had start my job at NCS. I can foresee that it is going to be very challenging as compare to my previous. Within the first three days of the job, i had attended two meetings, one and half hour and three hours respectively. Guess there is a lot of training ahead of my job here. My colleagues mainly are much more older than me, plus they are very experienced in IT line. While as for me, i feel that i am so little in front of them, just like a fresh graduate who just graduate and come out to society to work. Guess there will be a very steep learning curve in front of me.

First day of work, i reached my desk around 11 plus am. It is almost lunch hour. I met my project manager and my colleagues in the team. While two of them are my ex-colleagues which form part of my project. The rest are mainly doing different stuffs from me.. They are very nice pple, been asking me to join them for lunch everyday. so called, i dun have no kakis for lunch lah. I think i cannot compare my previous job and this job that often now. Otherwise, i might regret coming to here. Cos no friends here, a bit very lonely.. Mainly chat with my ex-colleagues thru mails or msn. No longer face to face chat. But one thing that currently i like it a lot, is that i can leave at 6.15 or sometimes on the dot. I wondering will this working style changed? Erm~~ seriously i am puzzled by one thing, why they want to employ me? I am not technically strong nor hardworking type.

Got to buck up a lot, i hope i can tahan till the end. Don't give up halfway, nobody going to support me le wor~~ min, is time to grow up.. look like a junior consultant not as a small kid anymore.. I got a lot more hardwork to put in and handle ..

On Monday and Wednesday, i went back to my previous company to help out. I did something stupid ytd, was to tell my project manager that i going back to my ex-company to help out or so called doing handover session. Opps.. I think i going to kana spot check soon.. aiya~~big mouth lah~~ eat lunch only, why should i talk so much abt ir... hhahaa.. guess i really dun use to this environment ba~~ give me sometime to accept the new changes. Just like sometime i am not used to picking up my best friend calls, ever since he stopped calling me. at first, i really feel dun get use to it but slowly, i am getting used to it. Erm.. If he is reading this, i hoped that he will understand, don't worry, i won't msn you.. haha.. or so called u can block me ba~~ otherwise u will be very jialat, always need to hide as offline mode. Cos i can use msn at work le.. not as if i am at my ex-company, where i am not allow to use msn.

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