Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Such a Failure

Hahaha.. So called this week, i am on course for four days. But i prefer to do some work. lol.. :P

Today my friend was telling me, "Erm... Do you know how much does this course cost?" I was like 1k plus lor.. "No, it cost more than 3k.." WHAT!! No wonder my previous company dun want to send me to this course even though i requested or she knows that i will leave them? Feel pretty lucky that my boss still willing to send me to such a course, should i cherish the chance on just focus on my work instead on my own personal life.

Guess now i need to stop going out until my pay day come, otherwise i can declare bankrupt soon le.. Erm~~ how to go to my hongkong trip. Hopefully i can move everything to production before i take my leave, otherwise will be very paiseh leh.. Need my colleagues to cover me for that period of time.

Seriously as compare with the rest of my colleagues, i am like someone who justa graduate from school and don't know anything. Feel such a failure, guess i need to work double hard to make things work. But, i got something in mind.. Should i go study? If i go study, i had to control my expenses plus my personal life le. No more of going out often. No more of going to cafes.. I need to do a lot of sacrifice.. will i be handle my job well... furthermore i got limited leave in my current company.. i wondering can i cope with my studies and work well... well guess i will only think whether i am going to register my course or not till mid of April. see wat is the progress for my work first... Hahaa..i still remember that time i went for interview, the interviewer asked me whether i planned to further my studies or not.. my replied was yes, in june.. hahaa.. :P

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