Tuesday, October 21, 2008


nowadays very busy.. got a lot of things to be handle.. haiz~~

1) School starts already
2) Work getting more and more
3) Assignment date due next week..
4) BBQ this sunday
5) My best friend's wedding coming soon..

hahaa.. seriously.. nowadays i see so many pple ard me having care and dotes by their bfs.. i feels so envy sia~~ haiz~~ maybe i dun have the destiny to find the one yet ba~~

last sat, i went ktv with a niao niao.. haha.. her bf's very sweet wor.. waited for her till late nite when she goes home.. then when she sings, she will call him and let him listen.. wow... sweet hor~~ miss my old past.. where got someone waits for me to reach home.. haiz~~

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