Friday, February 20, 2009

guess i make a right choice?

hahaa.. Recently is the time for apparsial but hor~~ till now i haven do it, yet the dateline is on the coming Monday which is an important day for me. Why? It is because i will be having exams on that day. Wahahahaa.. How my company works? If your apparsial fall into average, u will get an average bonus plus 13th month for the year. Otherwise, it will be one month bonus for the whole year. Currently economy is that at the downstream, i also dun dare to dream too much. Hopefully, i will get an average grade ba~~~ Life at work had been become harder, more and more things for me to deal with. Time to learn to work smart and study hard in the meantime.

Monday, i will be having my exams, haiz~~ hopefully this time round, i won't screw up the paper again.

Hahaha.. As a switch of company in a year ago, did i make the right choice? Erm.. I guess i did, in a long term run, i believe this will be a better choice. My ex-colleague who join the same company earilier than me. He prefers to stay at the current company more than his ex-company. Erm.. Actually, i also not sure which one i prefer. Guess maybe i work for the sake for money, not for passion. Opps.. Sounds like i think no money, got passion also no use. At home, i still got two mouth to feed wor~ As times goes, i think my financial burden will be heavier. Time to wake up, gal. U no longer that pamper princess, u had grown up to be queen.. or so call slave for life. Work hard now, earn a higher pay, so you can provide your parents a much more comfortable life. Plus express your grattitude towards your aunties and uncles that helped you thru your 25 years of life.. If without them, i won't be able to enjoy life that much.. :P

thanx everyone~~~

Monday, February 09, 2009

Complex feelings~~~

Hahahaa.. I met my gd friend for a drink. Two crazy women bought 2 cans of beer go sit at the beach there and talk. Hahahaa.. She asked me about how's my relationship life. Erm.. this is a question that i dun really know how to answer. Not bcos i am in relationship that i dun dare to let pple know. Is i am in such a dilemma situation which i dun even know wat i really wants deep inside me. Of cos, we did talk abt the past that i had. Hahaha.. Surprising that i can be so opened. I guess i did change a bit? I reached home around 3am in the morning ba~~ I got another surprise was she gave me a guess bag for xmas exchange.. OMG!!!! no matter how much it is, guess is the tots that count ba~~ hahaha.. u know hor~~ she sometimes really very sweet..

sat, of cos i had a very shag look to go school, especially i slept at 4 plus, while i had to wake up at 9 to go for lesson. There are times that i struggled to go to school. In the end, i still drag myself to school. After my lesson, i went to parkway there to have lunch with my ex-colleague. Erm... Out of my surprise, i met nanny!!!! OMG!!!! i think hor, i had never met up with him about 2 years? hahaha.. i had a super shag look on my face.. that i just said a hi to him while we crossing the road. But i gave him a call to apologise to him, cos i am really tired. Furthermore, i am going jurong point at nite to meet my dearest brothers... haha.. i reached home ard 2plus but hor~~ i knocked out at 3 plus and i overslept~~ luckily one of my brothers going to be late.. :P otherwise i think i dun need to go le~~ they will come over to my house to wake me up.. haha.. we talked quite a bit~~ tat day was a treat from me to them.. haha.. :P although brother wanted to pay, in the end still i pay.. haha.. u know hor~~ we talked abt all sort of rubbish.. haha.. of cos talked abt my past also.. which makes me dreamt of him on tat nite.. So stupid sia~~ i was sad when i heard he and his gf had been together for one year.. OMG!!! i already let go, how come i still got this stupid dream.. :X

Sunday, my brothers they all came over to my house. Haha.. :P one left early bcos need to pick up his gf. While another one stayed until 6pm.. :P Ard 7pm, i went out with my parents to have dinner. Erm.. I treated them for dinner at xiao dian er, since they never been there before. How can daughter enjoy her life always? of cos once in a while need to share my parents right.. :P Act filial or really filial.. it is up to individual to think, as long as i know the answer myself can already.

haha.. during cny second day, my maternal grandmother asking me a question which i dunno how to answer leh.. :X erm.. she asked me to bring my bf and let her see. I said wait until i find one then i bring him and let her see. Her reply is damn cute.. "When you bring him back, i already eat salted egg." ....... "No lah~~ won't lah~~" haha... is she trying to hint me that my expectation is too high or i nobody wants~~ hahaha.. :P i dunno leh.. let fate decides for me ba~~ Erm.. if one day she really in a crucial state, guess i will ask someone to help me to solve this problem.. lie to her and make her goes happily? Am i being cruel? I just want to make a white lie and let her go happily.. Hopefully, someone will help me to do that.. haha.. who will be that someone.. i dunno sia~~ see, by then who will be my closest friend plus provided his gf won't mind.. .

recently i think i kana ban in someone's gf list. Opps.. I better stop message him, otherwise nextime we meet up for dinner.. it doesn't going to look good? haha.. my friend said... u lah.. always msg him.. erm.. no lah.. maybe once a wk? or nt even once a wk?

i like this weekend.. can hide away all unhappiness in work.. cos i feel happy that i still got friends ard me when i need them.. :P

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Screwed up at work~~

haiz~~ nowadays had been quite screwed up at work.. is either too careless or do something wrong.. hahahaa.. and i always go against my big boss.. Opps.. he will be the one who determine my bonus.. :X haiz~~ this year gt bonus or not also a big problem, since now everywhere is retrenching.. as long as i can keep my job, i should be happy, right... dun ask for too much... haiz~~

recently i got talked to him.. maybe i grumble a bit abt my work and studies.. haha.. dunno leh.. i think bcos he always reply me with caring.. makes me hor~~ so scare i will fall again.. haiz~~

work not doing well + studies not doing well + relationship also not handling in the correct way... haiz~~ i also dunno..