Friday, February 20, 2009

guess i make a right choice?

hahaa.. Recently is the time for apparsial but hor~~ till now i haven do it, yet the dateline is on the coming Monday which is an important day for me. Why? It is because i will be having exams on that day. Wahahahaa.. How my company works? If your apparsial fall into average, u will get an average bonus plus 13th month for the year. Otherwise, it will be one month bonus for the whole year. Currently economy is that at the downstream, i also dun dare to dream too much. Hopefully, i will get an average grade ba~~~ Life at work had been become harder, more and more things for me to deal with. Time to learn to work smart and study hard in the meantime.

Monday, i will be having my exams, haiz~~ hopefully this time round, i won't screw up the paper again.

Hahaha.. As a switch of company in a year ago, did i make the right choice? Erm.. I guess i did, in a long term run, i believe this will be a better choice. My ex-colleague who join the same company earilier than me. He prefers to stay at the current company more than his ex-company. Erm.. Actually, i also not sure which one i prefer. Guess maybe i work for the sake for money, not for passion. Opps.. Sounds like i think no money, got passion also no use. At home, i still got two mouth to feed wor~ As times goes, i think my financial burden will be heavier. Time to wake up, gal. U no longer that pamper princess, u had grown up to be queen.. or so call slave for life. Work hard now, earn a higher pay, so you can provide your parents a much more comfortable life. Plus express your grattitude towards your aunties and uncles that helped you thru your 25 years of life.. If without them, i won't be able to enjoy life that much.. :P

thanx everyone~~~

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