Thursday, February 05, 2009

Screwed up at work~~

haiz~~ nowadays had been quite screwed up at work.. is either too careless or do something wrong.. hahahaa.. and i always go against my big boss.. Opps.. he will be the one who determine my bonus.. :X haiz~~ this year gt bonus or not also a big problem, since now everywhere is retrenching.. as long as i can keep my job, i should be happy, right... dun ask for too much... haiz~~

recently i got talked to him.. maybe i grumble a bit abt my work and studies.. haha.. dunno leh.. i think bcos he always reply me with caring.. makes me hor~~ so scare i will fall again.. haiz~~

work not doing well + studies not doing well + relationship also not handling in the correct way... haiz~~ i also dunno..

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