Monday, April 06, 2009

My Good Friend...

hahaha.. I am happy for my good friend.. but luckily she never tell me on April Fool, otherwise i might take it as a joke. Hehee.. :P

Although i dun have siblings, dun have the joy to countdown to my baby niece or nephew.. But hor.. i will countdown to my gd friend's baby.. hahaha.. very dramatically, last time we are not so close.. ever since when we bcome so close arh.. hahaaha.. i also dunno leh.. :P

hahaa.. pple ard me are happily in relationship.. suddenly, i feel so lonely sia~~ hahaa.. maybe work and study can help me to wash away this feeling ba~~ maybe i really fated to be nun.. cos even now i am in a relationship hor~~ i also dunno hw to handle it.. most imptly.. my the other half must accept my brothers.. hahaa... they are my closest pals, include my this going to be mother.. :P

last weekend.. although i chionging my assignments, i still met up with my brothers they all.. heheee.. just a relaxing weekend with them... we had ichiban sushi and after that we went down to minds cafe~~ hahaa.. this is the first time, i been there wor~~ heheee.. :P not bad~~ quite fun.. :P

i didn't know there is an escalator near the museum there.. surprising right.. haahahaaa.. :P i realise that a lot of couples like to go museum to pa toh.. why arh? hahaa.. i am not there to pa toh..just happen to pass by there.....

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