Monday, February 21, 2005

Today i went to polyclinic to see doctor because i am down with flu virus again.. oh my god... i jus recovered one month ago, yet now its back again.. Got one day mc and 5 packets of medicine. I had been staying at home for the whole day and sort of clear up my junks... I saw my POA textbook and notes... It reminds me of xinzhi.. why arh??? Maybe without her, i dun think i can pass my POA.. She is a very good friend, had always been helping others.. Really appecriate what she had done and helped me for the past few years.. Ever since we entered poly, i hardly met up with her nor chat with her. I miss the old days that we had.. but maybe times canot be back the same again..

I considered myself as quite lucky.. I had been meeting up pple who helped me on my path of life and guided me through certain extend.. but i also lost them.. Today also called up ah-kor.. erm.. chatted with him for a while.. also told him what i am stuck with now.. he told me to move on and forget someone.. no point to keep struggling with it.. I got my new perfume aka echo, a bracklet, a teddy bear and a bouquet of flowers as present...... i also duno wat i should want.. should i open the door and let someone to walk out and someone to enter.. or let everything remain the same...