Wednesday, January 11, 2006

First post for a new beginning.. Nothing much happened these few weeks, been enjoying and relaxing my long weekends. Staying over nite at my cousin's house on christmas day. While i spent my christmas eve celebrating with joanna and kelvin's birthday. Happy belated 21th birthday!!! I met weeling tat day too but let her waited for almost one hour. She still the same but she slim down a lot. She looks like more happier than in the past.. Congras..

As for my New year break, i went to esplande to watch fireworks with ester they all. It was quite fun, it had been a long long long time tat i ever met ah-ying. She won a ipod video during her DND. Congra.... When is my DND?? Erm.. Seriously, i got no idea at all . Guess my DND was tat meal i had at pizzahut.

As for my last weekend, my cousin came over to my house to stay. There was nothing we can do on sunday due to the heavy rain.

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