Saturday, December 31, 2005

What is your new year resolution?
>> I don't know...

What is the greatest regret you had?
>>Too many to state it out...

'He' -- appear too much times in my story.
Min -- created by him 3 years ago. ( always yearn to have a fairy story tale in her life.. but as time passes, she realize there are no such thing called fairy tale in her life... )
Jie -- came into my life 3 years ago too. (3 years ago, you were really very weak. 3 years later, you become stronger. And accidentally, you hurt the guy who love you the most. )
Jiefu -- 3 years ago too.. (always hear me cried.. hahaa.. the first time i heard u cried... i am stunned... Know you for 3 years le, the only time i heard you drinking like crazy was when you got hurt deeply. Maybe it reminds me is time to let go my own fairytale story)
Justin -- my gd friend who came into my life when i am sec 1

Today is 31 of Decemeber, is also the last day of the calendar. Maybe my story tale should end on the dot of 12 midnite and let it to kept in a book instead of my poor heart. My poor heart been thru so many sad events, i think i should let my tears stopped and create a brand new life for myself.

If i am nt wrong, i broke up with L not long after i got my 'O' level result. A few months later, i met 'the guy', jiejie and jiefu. Erm...... The conversation of us turn sour. When i knew this guy, he was still studying in uni. A poor guy staying in his hostel and don't like to talk on phone. The first time, i talk on the phone was when Justin scold me thru my voicemail. Couldn't remember what had happened at that moment. I told him that i am so sad, that was the first time Justin scold me. Slowly, we bcome quite close friends. The four of us will play daidee or mahjon online. The worst thing is i am always late when i met him. He was a very impatient person who couldn't stand pple late. The problem is he had met LATE QUEEN...

I went to watch Lord of the Ring Part 1 with L. Supposely, i should meet joanne after the movie but we sneaked off after that show. Tat time, i still complaining how come the show was so long. Plus we went to Simei to watch. Hai~~~~ While about a year later, I watched the second show with jiefu, a friend of mine and him. Actually jiejie wanted to catch with us on tat day but too bad she needs to meet her cousin. Jiefu asked me a very stupid question, "You very cold arh? Keep pulling your jacket..." "Ahem, of cos i am feeling very cold lah, imagine you sitting inside the theatre for more than 3 hours leh"

'The guy' met my Justin before too. He waited for about less than half an hour ba over at 'K......... ' mrt station. After that, we went to KFC for supper. I guess he don't like tat supper. He seems like was being questioning Justin but i do not dare to utter a sound at all.

'The guy' met my mum before too. It was just a very conincident that we met my mum at Bugis while she went out with friends. He was coming down from Bukit Timah and keep telling me not to be late but i ended up i am late. His face was like Justice Bao like that. So 'Black', even my mum knew tat he was angry also. When i reached home, mum seems to approve me and 'The guy'. I kept emphasing that both of us were just gd friends.

Last year July, i got my first part-time job. It was waitress at Siglap Cafe Cartel. That job was pretty fun, met a lot of new pple. They were quite friendly and nice pple. Everyday after work, he will always give me a buzz and accompany me to talk on the bus. Just don't understand why do we had so many endless topics to talk about.

In August, a lot of pple knew that min had a very big blow. She started to know how the feeling to lose a kin in life. She also gave up the friendship or the like she had for this guy. They were just so close but did not stepped into a relationship ba. She tot she need time to build herself up but two weeks later she regret. The pain been piling inside her deeply, trying so hard to find back the friendship. Yesh, she got it back but he still fly away without telling her. She only knew it from his friend's msg. I knew he was at airport when he msg me "Take care of yourself". I woke up before he is boarding the plane, i had a short chat with him before he left sg for one and half months ba. Jiefu been hearing me cried during that period of time. Too many things happened. Justin admitted to hospital due to accident. I left when the moment he is going to operating theatre but just that min really afarid of hospital. Not to mention, Justin was angry with me and msg me "Don't need you to come and visit me again". Slowly getting used to the temper he had, he seldom wants care from me. Normally is i seek care and a listening ear from him.

'The guy' and i used to have a bet, "Who will graduate first?". If he never met me, he might already graduate and working now. He move from hostel to home and from then onwards, his results starts to drop. Seriously, from this friendship you had for me is really sweet. Holding on phone when both of us were studying for exams and when i got questions, you will always help me. When i need reference books, you will always tell me "I got lah, don't need to waste money to buy." No matter what happened to me, you will just be there for me. Slowly, you had bcome part of my life that someone who i don't wish to lose. But i still lose at the end of the story. Even though we do not have anymore topics to talk about, i think we are still friends ba.

>> That's the end of my story...
>>Greatest regret of the year, i lose four gd friends who can always lend me a ear when i needed it.
>>Hopefully, i can met someone better than you or like you. Few more thing to add:
'The guy' -- you had changed to be better than who i know you three years ago
'Jiefu' -- I know you are numb abt wat is going. Hopefully, you will have a better fruitful year tomorrow. And in relationship prospect, you and that girl will be officially together ba.. Plus let go of the past, dun let it always stay inside you.
'Jiejie' -- If the guy you like is hurting you deep, why not let go. I don't wish to see you get hurt again. As you see how min fell so deep and how long she takes to stand up again.
'Justin' -- So fast, kor i had knew you for going to 9 nine years. Knowing me for so long, you should understand me much more than other ba?? But i don't think so bcos i dun even understand myself. You been telling me this three years to let go but i just don't know why i had landed myself so deep. But don't worry, i am fine. I just wants my brithday surprise from you. You are always so sweet, bring a black forest cake to my house here and celebrate my birthday. Kor, i wish you had a fruitful year and good luck in relationship. If you never try out you and her, you will never know the results. Try looking for her again ba.
'YY' -- is time to let go le..... is nt easy to do tat.. but if i willing to give it a try, why not? is either you go for it or u let go.. My pal, i really wish to see you will find your happiness... :) Take care...
'Banana' -- The happiest woman between us.. Good luck and all the best to you... I also want to see you to find your happiness next year wor... Then i opened chalet and you shall bring him to come and see us...
Not to mention, i still got a lot of pple to wish them happy new year...
i will cut it short and sweet...

To all my friends:

I hope that everyone will have a fruitful year and find their beloved ones from tomorrow onwards. As for career, everyone of us must work hard. If there is a chance to climb higher, don't forgo the chance. Bcos chances don't come that easily. Most imptly is MUST TAKE GD CARE OF HEALTH!!!! don't drink too much on festival seasons arh... (especially ESTERLING AND LEE NIAO YING!!!) :P

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