Friday, May 19, 2006

erm.. didn't really had a good sleep last nite.. seriously i dunno i had how many slept..came back to work late today.. maybe it had been a long long time tat got someone tat cares for me? or maybe pamper me? or maybe shower with care and concern.. dunno why i felt tat my heart is very pain for the whole day.. is bcos of the fairytale of da vinci code or bcos tat he patched up.. i am happy for him.. as there won't be any starting or ending between us.. we are just friends.. maybe now i am back to path which i walked alone for the past few mths..

erm.. been walking thru the tunnel alone since i graduate.. during these period.. tunnel had been very dark.. not to mention.. there are certain times tat it gets darker than wat i expected or it get brighter by someone popping by and accompany me thru...

as in my baby is going to born.. i am going to take care of it.. till my contract ends?? or i will stay on to there.. it is my first baby.. will i be able to make it throughout the end.. or i knock out? or i lose the baby?

hahaa... someone said he is the nicest guy.. going to extinct le.. lol.... :P dun forget i met quite a lot of nice guys before.. or devil guys before.. wahahaa... :P

being very kind of nanny.. he promised me to wait for me to watch over the hedge.. hehee.. so sweet of nanny. hope tat is a blank cheque.. wahaa.. :P guess after my baby is born.. going to take leave.. boss said want to go bintan want or not.. wahaaha.. they want to see whether i can drink or not.. bcos kana sabo by my colleague.. she tell the whole world tat i drink martini and vodka.. wah piang.. jialat.. no face le.. actually we all are inside the room.. nowadays always kana suan by my colleagues.. i bery guai mah..dun drink.. wahahaa.. :P

tat day when i went to watch da vinci code.. my friend is actually working over there.. haha.. but never get a chance to see him.. i told him i dun understand at all. being a kind guy.. trying to coax a xiao mei mei by saying "dun worry.. i accompany u to watch again.. " haha.. jialat.. i think i am too easily kana coax.. lol.. :P

let's pray hard tat my baby won't have any problem.. wahaa.. :P

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