Friday, May 19, 2006

last sat.. went out with my cousin.. it had been a long long time tat i ever last seen her.. we went to watch posidom, considering i like the movie.. before that we went to marina foodcourt for dinner.. FOR advice, dun eat ban mian over there.. bcos i found a fingernail in the soup.. yucks!!! hai~~ down of my luck.. after movie, we been wondering where to go.. in the end, we went to a cafe at esplande.. we tried the MELT CAKE WHICH COST $19.. omg.. maybe i should choose to go eq... (dunno how to spell arh.. only know is at raffles hotel.. ) guess our topics was going round her relationship ba.. maybe i am overprotective her or maybe i too kpo.. i urge her to start it early not to drag anymore.. maybe i still painful deep inside me? As being very kind of her.. she asked me "My relationship with him..." Guess wat i felt.. tat's was a sharp pain.. when she said "Oh.. Then he is out of your circle le... there she start with her song.. lonely by akon... " i found myself an excuse to go to the ladies.. controlling myself and kept quiet throughout the whole nite.. Next time when u went to tat cafe.. try the christantemas honey lime sorbet.. tat's was nice.. seriously.. when i reached home.. i started to cry out tat loud and i can feel tat sharp painful pain again which i encountered at mandai.. being kind enuff, i am getting closer with a guy.. guess he makes my wound a bit better...

sunday.. mother's day.. being a very good gal.. stayed at home and accompany mummy...

monday... erm.. being very sweet of ah han waiting for me at novena mrt for 1 hour... and i met my poly friends.. it had been a long long time tat i ever met them.. after dinner.. we went to play pool..

tuesday... guess i am in office working OT ?? erm.. can't really remember wat is happening..

Wednesday.. boss they all went to play captain's ball.. while i accompanying my colleagues to finish up her work..

thursday.. I finally catch da vinci code.. a story which i heard long ago.. but i never head his advice to read that book.. i also dun understand why i wanted to watch tat so much.. bcos of him?? I went to tiong bahru just to catch a movie.. seriously.. this place gives me quite a long of memories.. i been there with louis before.. someone who i love before?? had steamboat for dinner but it was pretty rush.. the dinner was good but a bit too rush.. during the show.. tears going to fall down le.. but it just never.. after the show, we heading different ways home.... i took bus 195 to great world city and asked the auntie what is the last bus for 16.. she said still gt.. i alight there le.. tears started to drop.. trying to control it.. i called kor.. hahaa.. :P GREAT WORLD CITY was a place i went with louis also.. guess wat? i started to cry... pass the road at orchard.. i remember how we walked the way to find jil and xuer.. to watch lord of the ring part 2.. i watched part 1 with louis while part 2 with him... bus 16 rode pass kallang KFC.. i had memories with korkor and him at there.. maybe i should head kor's advice tat time? guess i found my courage? i sms him.. guess he had been 1 mth and 19 days which i ever msg him again.. bt tat will be the very last le..

just like wat it stated in da vinci code.. past had been written as history.. it shall remains as history.. erm.. my hp will be in peace.. since my senior's friend had patch up with his gf.. congras..

louis's god sister.. candy.. got married le.. knew her for so long... now she got married le.. i am happy for her.. she changed a lot.. but i shall kept everything as secrets.. just can reveal tat she got hurt before but now she found her happiness and married a guy who she love.. i really feel happy for her..

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