Sunday, June 25, 2006

List out a few brithdays tat who had close relationship with me or use to have a very close relationship with me or very conincidently both of them had the same birthday but different characters..

1)26/10 (myself)

2)7/3 (mummy)

3)10/5 (daddy)

4)19/1 (korkor but very conincidently someone had the same birthday as him)

5)30/3 (erm.. someone who changes my attitude, who guide me thru out my poly life..)

6)29/7 (jiefu and my shifu)

7)22/8 (L & nanny)

8)13/10 (jiejie)

**Note : A lot of pple who walk in my life tend to share the same date but i can tell u they don't share the same character.

For example, jiefu is very good at listening while shifu is much towards the extend of caring. hehe.. BUT both of them are very good.. :P

as for korkor and someone (will nt disclose until i think timing is ripe).. erm.. korkor is much more fierce.. :P omg.. korkor will kill me if he read this post...

as for L and nanny.. erm... Seriously i think L will be better cos he very sweet towards me ma and never scold me before.. lol.. :P While nanny, erm... seriously he is a very good guy also but sometimes he got a VERY NASTY TEMPER which i dun like.. i can't deny tat every person also got his/her temper or maybe i used to pamper more than scolding.. lol.. :P
wahaha.. Today i went out to have good food again, guess this is the my third time of stepping inside a restuarant for dinner. OMG!! Expenses is going higher and higher. I went out ard 4 plus with mummy to meet auntie and of cos they will ask me to eat something before i go meet my colleagues they all for dinner. I followed wat they said and i landed myself late when i went to orchard to meet them. As usual run thru and cut thru human walls to meet them at orchard mrt station. Guess one day i must find my buddies come out, so long never see theme le. My gd friend been sms me daily due to world cup 2006, she even offered to pick me up from work and meet up for dinner. Guess she did had a gd life, just like wat she said, you might be together long with someone but it can't gurantee anything cos anything will happen. She had been with her bf for 7 or more than 7 years. I met my korkor thru her also.

erm.... stopped all my past... let me tell u wat is nice.. wahahaa.. :P We actually had reservation at seoul garden but we changed to sanur at level 4 due to a lot of pple falling sick or sort of still on the way to recover.

1) prawn crackers

2) tahu-gole (egg tofu -- > bagus)

3) grilled squid (bagus)

4) ah-cha fish
5) chicken
6) kang kong
7) 2 jugs of lime juice
8) 10 plates of rice

Total bill : ard $200
(**did not take these pics myself, grab it online**)
Food : Overall was not bad, i planning to bring my parents to try it out one day.

hehe.. guess the pple waiting outside must be cursing, can u all hurry up stop taking pics. as this might be the last team outing cos both my bosses had roll off, this is a treat for them by us.. but in return, they treated us to ktv.

8.30pm - Party World at Orchard

Few songs that we had sang for the nite..
1) She Bangs
2) Beauty and the Beast
3) Zhui
4) My Heart will go on
5) Reflection
6) Macoroni
7) MaMamia
8) old macdonald had a farm

hehee.. is fun.. :P bcos all the above songs i quote out were like we had never sang them or heard them long long time ago.. lol.. :P After that my current boss sent me and my ex-boss home. Therefore he helps me to save my cabfare

**Rememeber to check your receipt carefully when u are using your credit/debit card to make payment. They had actually overcharged us by $200 for tips but luckily my boss saw it beforehand and never sign on the receipt.

Total bill : ard $217
Total pax : 11 (mixture of nationality, hehe.. :P we live in harmony.. )

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Lobster and chicken


erm.. ytd i went to marina square for dinner with my colleagues.. guess nowadays i tend to hang with my colleagues pretty often.. or maybe bcos on 1st of july, we will know where will we post to. OMG!!! PRODUCTION!!! But everything is not confirm due to everything might change in the very last minute. Tat's were wat we ordered for ytd dinner, as for UOB credit/debit card, u will be entitle for 15% discount. Therefore ME(Miss Kaisu) will grab the chance to save the service charge and gst, we just had to pay nett for wat we ate. After that we went to suntec carrefour, are we belong to housewives catergory? The answer will be NOPE!!! A few weeks ago, everyone received a free hamper from my company. Inside the hamper, it contain a few products tat were pretty unique. We want to find it out whether are we be able to purchase it.

Some of the items inside the hamper (*note: nt everyone of us have the same thing)

1) Otard

2)pepperidge farm - Double Chocolate Milano

when you open up, it looks like this...

**this is very nice....

3) Davidoff Coffee (very unique but very ex cos ard $9.85)

**very nice plus strong aroma...

Friday, June 23, 2006

hehee.. i tried a new japanese restuarant at wheelock place ytd.. guess after a few days of hard work, it is time to pamper myself. due to last two days been working ot.. of cos time for myself bcome lesser, due to OT and sometimes after work might go loitering ard with my colleagues... hopefully my relationship with my colleagues are getting better. sigh.. tmr i got a meeting with the user, boss keep scaring me tat i will have to present for it.. while i threaten him with a mc or leave.. lol.. :P guess not, he will face it himself instead of throwing me to face so many polices to question.. i will bcome a criminal..

Some pictures which i took over at the japanese restuarant.. btw i met my ex-boss(who rolled off 1 week ago) there, guess wat she said... "I know why u girls said that seoul garden got no standard, hahaha. I will call K(My Current Boss) telling him that.. " hehee.. we were so stunned bcos we never tot tat we will meet anyone there..

Oyster and Mushroom
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Guess this is the first unique dessert that i ever had till now....
bird in a cage

hehee.. is empty.. hw can it consider as a dessert right..

three forks with an empty plate

opps.. it seems to be empty again...

tofu cheese cake

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Guess is too long that i ever blog about my own life. How's am i going on with my life? How's eevrything? How's stuff going on my work?

Places which i went these few weeks

  • Plaza Singapura

  • Novena

  • Orchard

  • Tampines

  • Little India

  • Joo Chiat

  • Home

Where to makan

  • Coffeeshop

  • HongKong Cafe

  • Haagen Daz

  • NYDC

  • Seafood Restuarant

  • HongKong Street

Yesterday i went to catch two movies, guess i will post out more details when i come back home at night.

Cars was pretty not bad.. the animation was fantastic.. lighting mcqueen was on the way of going to california for treson cup challenge.. uncle mac miss him during their the journey.. this is where lighting mcqueen met his lover at route 66. It is just a small town where everyone waiting for their customer. pple over there tends to enjoy their life and not rushing at all. the rest... find it yourselves when u go watch the movie ba..

rating: 4/5

Slient Hill was gore and disgusting..Can you imagine u see pieces of flashy on the floor and someone being tied to death.. hai~~ guess nowadays pple tend to be more tense up, tat's why they choose to go watch this kind of movie. being as a bunch of very gentleman. they actually can choose to escape from the cab fare but they had actually waited for me to catch the 9plus movie. Win told me actually SY want to scold me for tat late.. hehe.. but luckily he never scold me.. lol.. :P but i made another mistake was to mistaken sweden and england match. hai~~ but he said nvm.. guess i will make repay to him.. if he win lesser money..

friday, actually had met up sy, ant, win, and bulldog for dinner and soccer match. Actually i planned to have a dinner at fish and co to catch the match, but when i reached there i realised there wasn't any match at all. Therefore we went to coffeeshop to watch. Couldn't believe my eyes tat Argentina vs Dunno watever country.. 6-0.. Erm.. someone lose money..

It had been quite some time that i met this bunch of friends. Erm.. Not much changes, just tat kel went for wisdom tooth extraction and he show us his tooth but i never took any pic for tat. Then as for sy, he hurt his right hand wrist during his basketball match. Hurt tat my shifu hurt his leg too.. miss shifu sia.. always let me bully and sometimes he teaches me something in life...

The past few weeks been working OT at least 4 times out 5 weekdays. Skips a lot of chances to go out during weekday and have lesser time to spend with friends or family. but i spent quite a long time with my colleagues. My two bosses are rolling off from this project, they will be having a feast during next weekend. Guess i will have to cancel any dates and go there. Not to mention tat during my hardest period, they gave me all their support by delay my dateline and give me a long rest even though the mangement might nt approved to that long leave due to the urgent of finishing the task.

As for family, last sat i went for a family dinner. Sort of not long after tat my grandpa's death, tat's was our family reniuon due to grandma's birthday. Not to be surprised, everything is the same but the only thing is someone is missing. Seriously, i do miss him although i might nt be very close with him or maybe i am not his favourite grand-daughter. Miss him for the care he had towards the family, whenever there is something happened he will nt mention a thing. He will just kept everything inside. Guess all of us got inheirt from him about this bad habit. but everything is over, nothing will bcome the same again.

Uncle came back from australia and went to china for a trip with his family. Auntie again asked uncle to give hongbaos to ah-ma and mummy. Hai~~ my auntie always dote us a lot.. Seriously, i miss her a lot.. She is very strong even though she lose a son, she still fight on to take care of daughter and concern for everyone ard her. Mummy used the money auntie gave her and buy back gifts for them..

As for relationship, ytd i heard a ringtone in the cinema when i am watching slient hill. i wondering will tat be louis bcos both of us like that song quite a lot. The song was in hokkien, it had been a long time tat i ever saw him. We had no more feelings toward each other. Erm.. Seriously, i dun like to go Tampines. It had been a place with full of memories and quite a lot of pple who i used to love live there. Guess two persons are enuff for me to escape from there. I used to work there, i used to have gathering with my buddies there, i used to go there bcos of someone. Seriously if u asked me whether am i in a relationship or not, i don't know how to answer you. I might be a kind of person who will fall in love easily and get out from it easily. Erm... am i really tat strong? A past means ia a past, there nothing can make past to turn to present. There is someone who i can lean on when i need him or he really love me or he is really loyal to me. But someone who is still living inside my heart.. maybe bcos too many pple knows u, and they had been keep asking me abt u. how can i answer for tat? bcos u leave me without saying anything.. u had been trying so hard to avoid me, then no way.. no matter hw hard i fall now.. no matter hw pain i am in now.. no matter hw happy i am now.. i must control myself nt to msg u or call u bcos there won't be any reply or maybe u will hate me deeper? i seems like a prisoner who dunno wat she had done anything wrong.

Prisoner might land in a relationship now, she will nt have any reply abt tat. When she found herself much more stable in a relationship, she will nt be tat selfish to keep that again.